IKKYUU Shinkawa en Ube

JapónIKKYUU Shinkawa



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1-chōme-9-14 Chūōchō, Ube, Yamaguchi 755-0045, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 836-31-1915
sitio web: www.ikkyuu.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.9571421, Longitude: 131.2421796

comentarios 5

  • 土井信



    I visited him before moving from Ubeshinkawa to Hakata. Ramen is a soul food for Ube citizens, and even Evangelion director Anno loves it. There's a strong smell of pork bones in the restaurant, so some people are picky about it.This time I ordered the mini set, and the pork bone soup was strong.The fried rice was a little burnt, but it was fine, and the gyoza was a little disappointing. I was satisfied with the food. Yamaguchi Prefecture also has tonkotsu.




    This was my first visit to the main store. There was a menu board and the main store's original POP, so it was easier to understand than buying a meal ticket⭕. I ordered the ramen set menu. For less than 1000 yen It was voluminous. The noodles are flat type Ube pork bones! I liked the soup at the main store. I've heard the phrase "kusa-uma", and I find it to be a pleasant scent.

  • 弓月斗真



    I just noticed today that I haven't introduced this place yet (lol) I come here twice a month. Ramen is the soul food of Ube citizens, and is also loved by Evangelion director Anno. First-time customers will either like or dislike the strong pork bone flavor. I've been used to eating it since I was little, so I don't really feel anything. Tonkotsu soup is rich, but since we live in a health-conscious era, it may be a little lighter compared to the past. The Ichiku Group has several stores in the city, but the final seasoning is left up to the store. It might be good to enjoy the difference in taste.

  • 坂の上の朧月



    I visited for lunch on a business trip to Ube. The ramen restaurant I was looking for was temporarily closed, so I chose this restaurant. It was a little past lunch time, so there were only a few customers in the restaurant. Three of us ordered ramen and additionally ordered fried rice and three pieces of fried chicken to share. The noodles were a bit soft, so I regretted that I should have asked for them to be firmer. The fried rice fell apart easily and was delicious with a light seasoning. My companion raved about how delicious the fried chicken sauce was. I think the cost is reasonable at just over 1,000 yen per person for eating this much. There were various other menu items, so I would like to try a different ramen next time.

  • Kero Yon

    Kero Yon


    Taste nice

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