長浜ラーメン じろう。 en Fukuoka

Japón長浜ラーメン じろう。



🕗 horarios

5-chōme-4-1 Nishijin, Sawara Ward, Fukuoka, 814-0002, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-846-1777
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.581816, Longitude: 130.357588

comentarios 5

  • Joey South

    Joey South


    I arrived right around 1330 on weekdays and it was almost full. There are about 5 counter seats and 4 table seats. Ramen + small fried rice set 1,000 yen It takes a little time to make the fried rice after ordering, but it's worth it!!! The flavor of the ramen soup is strong and delicious.😊The char siu is also traditional and delicious with less fat! However, the fried rice was especially delicious! The volume is also amazing! One plate of Karashi Takana is free! Isso is basically the only ramen restaurant I want to go back to in Fukuoka, but I think I'll want to come back here again. Ramen is also available, but I want fried rice! Thanks for the meal! thank you!

  • さきくま



    The soup was well cooked, but it was disappointing. I think it would be better if I added more lard. I want you to change the green onions. Fried rice is average. It must be tough with two staff members. The inside of the store is dirty.

  • s A

    s A


    Although I have lived in Nishishin for many years, This was my first visit even though I knew about its existence. When I checked on Google, it said that it was open irregularly. I visited with the feeling that ``I wish it was open.'' I came to the store exactly at 12 o'clock, There were many customers. It was a delicious ramen that was made very carefully. The soup has just the right amount of salt, Above all, I like the char siu, which is soft and refreshing. The noodles might have been better. The fried rice was also delicious! I wanted to eat something like this. The atmosphere is nice and the greetings from the owner can be heard from the back. I felt that families could come here with peace of mind. I briefly read the store description. Please take care of yourself and don't overdo it. Just make delicious ramen, As a eater, I'm grateful. Thank you for the meal.




    Nishijin, Sawara Ward, Fukuoka City. I heard that there was a restaurant in Nishijin that had particularly good ramen and ``yakimeshi'' so I went there. Jiro Nagahama. Visit the store. It's right behind the pachinko parlor, down a narrow alley from the main street of Nishishin Shopping District. The inside of the restaurant is small, with 4 seats at the counter, 2 tables for 4 people, and 1 table for 2 people. The order is Grilled rice set (small) 900 yen (tax included) The famous grilled rice is a little oily and moist. The crunchy onions have a nice texture, and the pink kamaboko is a nostalgic favorite of mine. The quantity was also large considering it was small. The ramen has a slightly thick soup. It has a great flavor and richness, and goes well with mustard mustard greens. It was truly a hidden gem. Maybe it's not hidden. The people of Nishishin eat such delicious ramen. Thank you for the meal♪

  • せいさん



    In one word, it's delicious. This time, I went to the store for the first time. I went there because I read in the reviews that he was trained in ramen skills. This time I ordered the "Yakimeshi set (medium)". "thoughts" During grilled rice: The amount of rice is about the same as regular grilled rice. When you put it in your mouth, it tastes delicious! The taste was a bit strong, but it was so good that I was able to keep my mouth full until the end. Ramen soup: I read that the ramen was trained using ramen power, but I thought it was completely different from ramen power and that the soup was created by the owner himself. When I took a sip of the soup, there was no pork bone smell, and I thought it was more like a creamy and rich pork bone. It's so good that you want to drink it till the end. Noodles: Super thin noodles. I asked the store clerk what hardness they recommended and was told "barikata" so I asked for that. The soup clings to the noodles, which is also delicious. Kaedama: Kaedama 200 yen, Half Kaedama 100 yen I thought that for those who would like to have extra eggs in the yakimeshi set, the yakimeshi (small) is recommended. This time, I got the grilled rice set (medium) and was full with half a bowl of rice. Free Karashi Takana is limited to one time per person. Inside the store, there is a counter for 4 people, 2 tables for 4 people, 1 table for 2 people. It was so good that I wanted to go again.

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