Zen-Nippon Shokuhin w Nishihara

JaponiaZen-Nippon Shokuhin



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1034-25 Futa, Nishihara, Aso District, Kumamoto 861-2403, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-279-2327
strona internetowej: ptl.zchain.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8372382, Longitude: 130.882697

komentarze 5

  • 山下須美雄



    Even though it was my third time shopping, I passed by it. I rarely go back home, but if I have a chance I will buy horse sashimi from Takarazuka.

  • Rase



    Used when staying in Minamiaso. I saw a review saying that the meat corner sells high quality horse meat. Since I wanted to make dashi stock, I bought the best quality meat at 1,380 yen for 100g. I quickly answered the question and made it into sashimi, which was delicious.

  • ts4 kyoko

    ts4 kyoko


    As I was passing by, I saw a sign that said "Basashi" and thought it was a butcher's shop, so I stopped to look, but it turned out to be a mini-supermarket with a butcher's shop inside. There were a variety of cheap fried foods lined up and they looked delicious. I don't eat horse sashimi everyday, so I don't know the price or quality, but I think it's probably cheap.

  • Taich double tap with three fingers

    Taich double tap with three fingers


    I have been to Kumamoto several times, and each time I have purchased horse sashimi from a famous store at the airport. I liked the 5-piece set, which was sliced ​​into different parts, because it made it easy to enjoy a variety of parts, but one day when my child came home, he found them and ate them, taking one bite at a time, and ended up eating almost the entire thing. "Next time, I want you to buy more," so I did some research beforehand on this business trip and asked some locals, and they told me about this store, which is about a 5-minute drive from the airport. It feels like a typical small supermarket in a town, but there is a meat area at the back of the store, where you can talk to the staff inside and sell face-to-face. In addition to the usual beef and pork, the refrigerated showcase has a wide variety of products, including slices of red beef, horse sashimi, mane, and horumon. While consulting with the store clerk, @¥980/100g of lean meat and @¥1,440? I bought about 300g of vacuum-packed meat blocks each with 100g of marbled meat, along with horse sashimi and soy sauce. The three items cost about ¥6,000 including tax, which was about half the price at the airport store. Well, basically all the shops in the airport are expensive, probably because of the rent, but you can get good products at cheap prices at local supermarkets. It's just the right distance to stop by before returning your rental car and then return by plane. You can also purchase ice packs and cold bags by asking at the cash register. There is a wide variety of fried foods and side dishes lined up in front of the cash register, and I think I'll try buying those next time. When I got home, my son and I were looking forward to horse sashimi, so we first ate the red meat.It was much sweeter than the usual sliced ​​meat, and we found that freshly cut meat tastes better. The portions were quite large, and even with just the red meat, the three of us were so satisfied that we couldn't finish it all. The next day, I ate the marbled meat, which had a sweeter, more sticky texture that melted in my mouth. Personally, I preferred the red meat @¥980.

  • sae y

    sae y


    I used to stay nearby, so I bought it two days in a row and received it at the hotel. The most affordable horse sashimi on the first day On the second day, I bought the most affordable horse sashimi and ¥980/g. The horse sashimi at a reasonable price was lean and tasted delicious when eaten with yukhoe, and the horse sashimi at ¥980/g had a bit of frost in it, so you could feel the flavor. I was able to request a cut for items over 200g. (Please check at the time of purchase) Please be careful not to forget to purchase horse sashimi soy sauce. It was a small store, so I wonder if it's still open? If I ever pass by, I would like to stop by again (^^)

najbliższy Supermarket

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