蔵王温泉「ろばた」 in Yamagata




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Japan, 〒990-2301 Yamagata, Zaōonsen, 川原42−5
kontakte telefon: +81 23-694-9565
webseite: t023.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.1676464, Longitude: 140.3970015

kommentare 5

  • Chris CHEUNG

    Chris CHEUNG


    You can taste pan-fried mutton with a reasonable price here.

  • Ayako Maeda

    Ayako Maeda


    We just wanted to have some lunch before going to our hotel, but then there aren't really many restaurants in the neighborhood. If there was one, it was only lamb barbecue places, and there weren't too many restaurants open in the first place, so it was crowded obviously... The food was ok I guess.

  • SY SY

    SY SY


    Restaurant opened at 12pm today. We arrived at 11:45 and wait at the foot bath outside. Unluckily when it opened, we were told that no seats if no reservation made in advance. So disappointing…

  • Snash Smash

    Snash Smash


    Very Delicious Lamb yakiniku. Great value. Owner's son Mr.Takuma is very nice in service. He treat customer very well even though that day is very busy and crowned. He always claim and smile.

  • Luvvy Kikie

    Luvvy Kikie


    Very very good genghis khan here!! its lamp btw. very soft and juicy lamp eat with vegetable so nice! owner very kind and communicate. also very cheap!! so if you travel here in Zao you must try this restaurant! recommended!

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