蔵王温泉 善七乃湯 Oohira Hotel in Yamagata

Japan蔵王温泉 善七乃湯 Oohira Hotel



🕗 öffnungszeiten

825番地 Zaōonsen, Yamagata, 990-2301, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 23-694-9422
webseite: www.oohira.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.1680875, Longitude: 140.3997304

kommentare 5

  • Kian Yong

    Kian Yong


    Totally enjoyed my stay. Highlight of the stay was undoubtedly the onsen experience. Perfect way to unwind and sooth tired muscles after a day of snowboarding. Do note that shower is public (i.e no shower in my room). The food spread was amazing too. Overall, Oohira hotel offers a perfect blend of comfort, hospitality, and relaxation. It even has a small compound outside to park your vehicle.

  • R



    One of the reasons I booked this hotel is for the pick up shuttle bus service from Yamagata station to Zao Onsen. You will need to go to the official website and submit a form 5 days before. To Zao Onsen was ok. The driver waited at Yamagata station for us. For the return shuttle bus I was a bit worried so I double checked with the owner (I’m not sure but he looks like the owner) several times for the time and location. However, the shuttle bus did not arrive at the time and location we agreed upon. I have to call the hotel and finally they sent a car to pick us up back to the hotel (with another long wait) then to Yamagata station. That was 1+ hours delayed and it delayed our original travel plan. The hotel itself was a bit old and small but still in decent shape. The front desk older staff were nice and professional but the restaurant staff especially the younger ones do not seem very familiar to the restaurant business. There is no elevator at all at this hotel. You will need your carry your luggage up and down yourself by stairs.

  • bull mui

    bull mui


    Excellent onsen. All natural and very good for body and skin. Good and helpful staff although mint room condition and remote location.

  • Albert Yau

    Albert Yau


    Traditional Japanese onsen and hotel. Private 10 onsens available for 50 minutes each session. 1000 per adult. For certain onsen, you may have to walk a distance from the shower and bath room. They have yumai bathrobe for purchase. Coin Vending machines are available for drinks and milk and ice cream. Coin Massage chairs are available. Propriate photos are allowed in the onsen.

  • shawni tiong

    shawni tiong


    The hotel provided a comfy room with delicious meals. It was the best hot spring hotel we had during our trip as it provided variety of different hot spring settings with fascinating sceneries. The tatami room was clean and well maintained. The hotel also provided after bath local milk service which was so refreshing. A remarkable point to mention is that they provided excellent services that is indescribable by words. Mr. Okasaki, you had made our stay very memorable. Thank you so much for the help and the surprise.

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