ザ・金谷テラス(THE KANAYA TERRACE) in Nikko




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4-3 Matsubarachō, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1406, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 288-50-1122
webseite: www.kanayahotel.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.747925, Longitude: 139.619492

kommentare 5

  • にっく



    I ordered a 100-year curry pie and an iced coffee. The curry is delicious. Pretty hot. It was so delicious. The inside of the store is calm and you can relax. Recommended when you're hungry.

  • 阿妮子



    Focusing on the century-old curry of Kanaya Hotel, as soon as I saw the stand-up restaurant attached to the hotel in Tobu Nikko Station, I rushed to buy the curry pie without saying a word. Each one is ¥500 (2024/05), the outside is crispy, and the curry filling is fragrant. It’s really delicious. I personally think it’s better than the curry bread opposite. I recommend it to everyone.

  • Yozo



    ``The Kanaya Terrace'' is a bakery located right next to JR Nikko Station. I stopped by on my way back to Tokyo. Nikko Anpan 324 yen Royal bread 702 yen Speaking of Kanaya Hotel Bakery, this is their signature product. I took it home and enjoyed it in a variety of ways, including eating it as is, grilling it, and smearing it with Sicilian honey. Nikko Jingoro rice crackers 650 yen I bought it. The bread dough was incredibly delicious. Jingoro Senbei, which I have been eating for a long time, is so delicious that I can't stop eating it. You'll want to eat this on a regular basis.

  • Mこ&てつお



    Located inside Tobu Nikko Station♪♪ I'm curious about the "100-year curry pie" (^-^)/ Beautiful interior♪ There are chairs so you can eat inside♪ Is this an old photo of the Kanaya Hotel? It is decorated♪ ★100 Years Curry Pie 350 yen x 2 Crispy and soft The curry was plentiful and delicious (*^^*) I would like to try Kanaya Hotel's 100-year curry someday♪ (2021/10)

  • to



    Kanaya Hotel's 100 Year Curry Pie Crispy, warm and delicious♪ It's located in front of the ticket gates of Tobu Nikko Station, so it's recommended for walking around Tobu Nikko Station, waiting for the train, and buying souvenirs.

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