Nikko Coffee in Nikko

JapanNikko Coffee



🕗 öffnungszeiten

3-13 Honchō, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1434, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 288-53-2335
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.7531926, Longitude: 139.5952978

kommentare 5

  • Robert Ma

    Robert Ma


    The iced coffee was easily one of the best I've had. No sugar - just straight coffee and milk - lovely! The mountain of shaved ice was light and fluffy. Both very refreshing after a hike around Nikko.

  • Lukas Stančikas

    Lukas Stančikas


    Really cozy environment and authentic interior design. The cheesecake and caramel coffee is great. The black curry would be wonderful, but i got just 2 pieces of meat in the curry, which personally was not enough, that's why I lower the rating

  • Christina



    A wonderful fusion of Japanese and French cafe food. The cafe is in a beautiful and well preserved machiya. The food it's plated with attention in mind of its environment and perfectly portioned. I loved the open kitchen and cafe bar. Welcoming and hard working employees.

  • Lance Quan

    Lance Quan


    Tucked away from the main attention grabber of the area, this coffee shop is located in the "upper area" of Nikko in among local residences and shops. The menu does not have English, but do not let this or other local establishments sway otherwise as with just trying, the staff are very accommodating. First, the shaved ice, this is how it should be done. Not crushed, but shaved almost into strands. They have an amazing almost toasted flavored honey shaved ice. Secondly, the coffee is amazing and almost...chocolate like in its creaminess and grounded flavor. Have it black, or try a latte, this is a gem and a treat!

  • 8



    Very cozy atmosphere. Food and drink are good with understand-able prices. The reason of missing 1 star is the service. The service is just normal, no smile no warm greeting, but not the level of unpleasant, just "ok".

nächste Cafe

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