ゆうちょ銀行 静岡店 i Shizuoka

Japanゆうちょ銀行 静岡店



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1-9 Kuroganechō, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-8799, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 570-060-383
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.9709683, Longitude: 138.3861564

kommentar 5

  • kenji



    After 10 o'clock on May 10, 2024, I used the nearest station from the station to deposit coins while traveling, but after receiving the number ticket, no progress was made even 10 minutes later. The old woman who had been waiting earlier than me was completely numb and yelled at the middle-aged woman who was serving as the guide and went home. After that, no progress was made, so I asked the guide if there was another small post office, and when I went there (a post office near the hotel opposite the Shizuoka Central Post Office), I was immediately called and was able to deposit coins. Ta. I went to the Japan Post Bank at Mito Central Post Office a long time ago, but nothing like the above happened. The response was worse than the local bank. Please stop using this Japan Post Bank counter and use the small post office nearby. Not recommended. It's frustrating! When I tried to call, the number was 0570, so I informed the Japan Post call center and the person at the small post office where I deposited the coins about my terrible response. If I could, I wouldn't give it a single star!

  • Flow H

    Flow H


    I think it is a core store attached to the Central Post Office, but there are only two people at the counter, and since it is a core store, there are many foreigners who use the counter, so it takes time for the staff to respond. Therefore, the waiting time also becomes long. Behind the counter, multiple staff members play their respective roles. Everyone is working at the counter, so if you look up a little, you'll notice that there are many people waiting and that both tellers are serving customers (for long hours in the box seats). To make matters worse, even though the female guide was on the visitor waiting area, she was chatting with a familiar customer and seemed uninterested in the long wait. I used the service to purchase a fixed amount money order, but ended up waiting for over 20 minutes. (I was the first person waiting, and there were several people behind me) A male employee finally noticed the long wait time and came out from the back to help us. Let's put more emphasis on making the counter run smoothly.

  • ciel



    When I went to cancel my Yocho Bank account a few months ago because I no longer needed it, I was told that I could cancel it if I had 4 points, but when I called today, I was told that the points had increased, but when I called before, they didn't tell me anything like that. Even though I said so, they ignored me and proceeded with the conversation one-sidedly.The woman at the counter, who was in her 40s, had a really bad attitude.The counters at other banks were much more polite.I want to cancel my contract as soon as possible because I won't do it again. …

  • maho T

    maho T


    When I asked for new bills because I was going to a wedding, I was told that they don't carry new bills and that I would be lucky if new bills came out at the ATM. What should I do if I am a citizen of Shizuoka whose main bank is Japan Post?

  • JM KD

    JM KD


    This is a typical Japan Post Bank. It's close to the station and easy to access.

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