みずほ銀行 静岡支店 i Shizuoka

Japanみずほ銀行 静岡支店



🕗 åbningstider

8-1 Ōtemachi, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0853, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 54-252-4161
internet side: shop.www.mizuhobank.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.9762877, Longitude: 138.3812123

kommentar 5

  • ゆーみ



    When I use both a counter and an ATM, I no longer have to go out of my way to go outside. It's very inconvenient on days when the weather is bad.

  • mint88



    I went to the counter to apply for a ``change of address'' and ``one-time password for the app,'' but was told that I could not apply for a ``one-time password.'' They gave me a piece of paper and told me to call them. I had contacted Mizuho Bank in advance by phone and had confirmed that both procedures could be done at the counter, so I told the staff at the counter, and they started researching how to do it. I had to wait quite a while, but the phone wasn't open, so I came back and said, ``If it takes a while, I'll do it over the phone.'' However, in this day and age due to the coronavirus, all companies' call centers are extremely crowded. Even after calling for more than 40 minutes, the connection cannot be reached. I was so angry thinking about wasting my time and effort, and thinking about how long it took to get through to the call center. This is exactly what happens in Shizuoka, where they don't apologize for their own lack of knowledge or incompetence, nor do they make any improvements, but just put a burden on the customers. I'm surprised that there are cities, towns and villages where even if you do your research in advance and go there, it often ends up being a waste of time. What do you think of people's time? Even if I'm a full-time housewife, I get angry when people waste my time. I think it's a really strange town to see how people who work full time live.

  • まゆまゆ



    It wasn't bad(*^^*) I went to Mizuho Bank feeling anxious because of the low ratings after reading the reviews, but the person who dealt with me, Mr. Nozomi, was very kind and polite, and he was a nice bank employee with a smile. ! The guide was also very nice, and most of all, he greeted me in a friendly manner. Some people seem to have written bad things about it, but it wasn't that bad of a bank (●´ω`●) Don't worry! There is a parking lot and you can get a ticket, so you can park for free. The back road to the parking lot is a little narrow, so you'll need to be careful when passing.

  • J pate

    J pate


    A valuable Mizuho branch in Shizuoka Prefecture. In front of the prefectural office. Don't expect to find them in front of every station like in the metropolitan area. There really isn't one in Shizuoka! The reception was normal. I won't wait too long.

  • Doug



    Bad location, terrible hours, and generally a bad bank to begin with.

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