Yuu en Tama




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒206-0033 Tokyo, Tama, Ochiai, 2-chōme−1−10
contactos teléfono: +81 42-339-0141
sitio web: www.e-yuu.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6211775, Longitude: 139.4286327

comentarios 5

  • ともみ



    Visited for lunch. It seemed to be full so I had to wait a little bit at first. I ordered a set of nigiri and chilled udon from the lunch menu, and an additional nigiri of horse sashimi. The food was very delicious. The fish nigiri called star anise was especially delicious. Mr. Itamae was a nice person. I want to go again.

  • ゆでたまご



    I went there for lunch when I went to Sanrio Puroland ♪(о´∀`о)♪ The set meal came with soba noodles and it was delicious ♪(●´ω`●)♪ The fish was fresh and the sashimi was also good. It was delicious ♪ However, I wish there was a pot on the desk because I had to ask the staff every time I wanted a refill of tea ★(*'▽'*)★ The shop itself was thriving. It's a popular restaurant in my hometown, so customers came in one after another, so the staff seemed busy★ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ=3=3=3★If you're like me and feel like it's hard to order, , On summer days when you're thirsty, it might be a good idea to bring a plastic bottle ☆( ̄▽ ̄;)☆ The rice was really delicious ♪ Thank you for the meal ♪ (*´꒳`*)♪

  • 羽鳥一吉



    Visited around 7pm on weekdays There are spaces for 3 cars in the parking lot behind the store. Lots of Japanese dishes I'm at a loss as to what to order. They are all delicious.

  • Joshua Reynolds

    Joshua Reynolds


    Delicious food and drinks, my first stop in Tokyo for dinner. The chef is very friendly and clearly a master of his craft. Westerners should definitely go with a guide or bring something to translate with as the menu is all in Japanese, however there are photos available.

  • Paul



    I really love this place. Menu is all Japanese but they also have some photo menu items. Very inexpensive and great quality. 1000yen gets you a set meal and I've never been disappointed. The only downside is that its mostly counter seating so if you're in a small group you won't sit facing each other. There are only 2 tables. Great items I've tried: tempura, udon, grilled tuna cheek, sashimi bowls (don)

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