Yumei Hotel w Unzen

JaponiaYumei Hotel



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
380 Obamachō Unzen, Unzen, Nagasaki 854-0621, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 957-73-3206
strona internetowej: www.yumei-hotel.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.738145, Longitude: 130.260133

komentarze 5

  • David Jiang

    David Jiang


    We had a comfortable stay here. Not totally sure that some of the negative reviews are fair. Concede that the hotel is a bit old and perhaps some items could do for a renovation, but overall it was comfortable with fairly large rooms. The onsen was very nice and warm - it has both indoor and open air baths separated by gender. The staff that we dealt with were all friendly. The parking lot was fine, it’s just a large open space with no issues regarding the paving. We didn’t have dinner or breakfast so can’t speak to the quality of the food. We did have to pay for our stay in cash. Overall, the stay was fine and the baths were nice, wouldn’t have a problem staying here again.

  • co co

    co co


    It's not dirty, just really old.lol We got 30% discount from "Go to Travel" promotion by Japanese government. Room was big for just 2 of us and the price included dinner and breakfast so it was pretty good deal :) Without the discount, to be honest, it would have been overpriced for what we got. I prefer to stay somewhere newer/cleaner and better dinner even if I had to pay more.

  • Kevin Ang

    Kevin Ang


    Ryokan-like accommodation featuring rooms with a traditional feel. Slightly dated but definitely liveable. Also onsen which is a feature of this area.

  • Paulo Penteado

    Paulo Penteado


    Not impressed by this hotel. For starters, it's the first time in my life that I had to pay for the stay in cash. I stayed in ten hotels across Japan, all but this one took credit cards. I have travelled extensively across all continents (except Antártica), including rural Brazil, inner city Marrakech, etc, never had to pay for a night using cash in forty years. I understand that Japan is very cash based, not bothered that small commerce and restaurants take only cash. But the other nine hotels accepted credit cards, time to get on with the times, just ridiculous. Hotel itself looked worn and dated. Must have been luxurious when it was built in the fifties, but by now the carpets look old, halls and room need painting, external swimming pool is off limits and crumbling, elevators are old and creaky. Onsen was nice, but water was not very hot. Most of the signs were in Kanji only, painful to have to use Google Translate to find out where reception is (bottom floors are confusing), in an international hotel (fortunately there was wi-fi). No need to translate everything, but at least get the basics done. On the positive side, room was nice, breakfast was very good, staff very polite and helpful. If you are a fifties buff and want to stay somewhere that takes you back, this is the hotel for you.

  • Chris



    The water here was really really really good. I would give this place 5 stars, but for me the atmosphere was only ok.

najbliższy Kwatera

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