Hotel Nampuro w Shimabara

JaponiaHotel Nampuro


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-7331-1 Bentenmachi, Shimabara, Nagasaki 855-0802, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 957-62-5111
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.7808922, Longitude: 130.377397

komentarze 5

  • Tsubame Zhang

    Tsubame Zhang


    Seriously one of the best onsen I have ever been in. There are indoor and outdoor baths. The outdoor baths looks onto the ocean. There are also two sauna rooms, a salt scrub, and four air bubble baths. After your bath there is a huge library to hang out in. Day use of the onsen is available.

  • Chris



    Wow! Out of the 500 or so onsens I've been to in Kyushu, this may be the nicest. The view - wow. The saunas - wow The selection of baths - wow THE FREE, ALL YOU AND DRINK COFFEE IN THE BATH AREA - WOOOOOOOOOW! The hotel here is amazing too. They have draft beer and draft high balls in the lobby area! Are you kidding me? These place is a wonderful of amenities.

  • Ecume .desJours

    Ecume .desJours


    Like a playground for adults and kids alike. What do you get for your 15,000? Two meals with local ingredients and free booze (including decent Niigata sake), all manner of indoor and outdoor sports equipment, animal petting zoo, seaside hammocks, video game arcade, all you can drink concessions area w/ beer and coffee. Infinity hot tub and Multiple bubbly Hot springs with free ice cream and drinks in the pool area. Pillows “bar” (choose your own pillow). Every popular comic book series from the last ten years. Video projector in the room. Indoor climbing wall. I’m sure I’ve forgotten 10 other things 🤣 Also, the rooms are top notch, smartly laid out with AC sockets everywhere and fabulous ocean views with large picture-windows…

  • Daniel Tan

    Daniel Tan


    Great place for families! The onsen here is amazing with the outdoor spring tubs coming with an awesome view of the sea. Food is very good. Breakfast selection was varied with both Japanese and "Western" food choices. Rooms are clean and well maintained. Beds are comfortable. Get a room with a sea view.

  • Mark Krueger

    Mark Krueger


    Great room with a natural hot spring bath on the outside deck overlooking the sea. Was great to relax in the bath with the cool ocean mist blowing over with the sounds of the fishing boats. Several nice shared baths. Large seafront open space with rabbits that kids can feed. Delicious dinner, but even though we told them about allergies to egg and dairy the food did cause a reaction so be ware of that.

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