宇都宮脳脊髄センター en Utsunomiya




🕗 horarios

1-18 Ichibanchō, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0812, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 28-633-0201
sitio web: www.neurospine.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.5591689, Longitude: 139.8898407

comentarios 5

  • aWA



    I had brain surgery here. I was very nervous, but the doctor always listened to me carefully and explained things until I was satisfied.I felt like I was saved because I had given up because there was nothing I could do at the hospital and medical school I had been attending in my hometown. became. I am also very grateful to the nurses for being so kind to me. People who were hospitalized at the same time, including me, said that it was a very good hospital, and I really agree. If anything happens again, I will definitely visit this hospital.

  • きむ・ぴぃ



    Things you're worried about, things you don't understand and want to know... I am grateful for the kind attention I receive from you. Cooperation with Symphony Clinic, reservation management, etc.! too, Thank you for the patient o(__*)

  • M P

    M P


    Thank you so much for your help, I can't help but write a review and say thank you. The doctor in charge, Dr. Kanaya, explains the causes of symptoms and medications in an easy-to-understand manner. Although he may be busy, he will answer your questions kindly and sincerely, so you can feel at ease. He is a very good doctor who listens carefully every time and thinks about the treatment that is right for me from the patient's perspective. He is the most trustworthy doctor I have ever seen because he not only explains the effectiveness but also the side effects and risks. Thank you for not only treating my headache, but also for your mental health care. I am grateful that all the people at the reception on the first floor are warm and kind.

  • 彩狐



    I won't say which teacher, but I didn't like the fact that they touched me after rubbing my nose or adjusting my mask to see how my hands would react. Even if I talk too much, the only concrete thing about treatment is surgery, and they won't give me medicine unless I ask for it. I felt uneasy because the waiting time was so long and the story kept rewinding every time. The most troubling thing was that I tried to answer a phone call the doctor was making on his smartphone during my consultation, but I was taken out of the exam room even though we hadn't even talked about reservations or medication. Even if there is a reason for this, even if I am in a position to help you, I want to receive treatment because it will affect my future lifestyle. I think you have to choose a hospital.

  • Tama chan

    Tama chan


    I used it for a brain checkup. The staff and technicians were polite and made me feel at ease, and the doctor was very thorough in explaining the details of the test, how it looked, and the results one by one, making it really easy to understand. This is the first time I've been to a place where they've given me such "understanding" during a medical checkup. Even though it was just a medical checkup, I was offered a consultation (with a proper preface: ``I can't make any referrals because it's not a medical checkup''), which was really helpful. I talked to other patients in the waiting room, and the other doctors seemed to be friendly and nice people.

El hospital más cercano

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