Yoyogi Park en Shibuya-ku

JapónYoyogi Park


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Japan, 〒151-0052 Tōkyō-to, Shibuya-ku, Yoyogikamizonochō, 2−1
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3469-6081
sitio web: www.tokyo-park.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.671736, Longitude: 139.6949447

comentarios 5

  • Henrik Nordgren

    Henrik Nordgren


    Yoyogi Park. Quite nice park actually, but crazy amount of people if there is any big event going on (Thai festival 2018 when I was there). They divide bicycles and those walking, which is good for safety.

  • Lucia Sanchez

    Lucia Sanchez


    The south area is good to hang out at, though not much grass, so bring your own picnic blanket. The north is very wooded, with Meiji Shrine in the middle. Perfect on hot humid days, where the shade and some breeze feel great

  • Korbin Mountford

    Korbin Mountford


    Great park to escape the busy Shibuya area. The water effects are nice by the main pond. Many couples hanging out under trees. The park is also nice to go for a run well when its not too hot.

  • Habib ur Rehman

    Habib ur Rehman


    Tokyo is a large and beautiful city to be visited by tourists. There are a lot of places of interest for adults and children. There are many beautiful parks to relax. There are plenty of shopping areas for food and other items. Most of the shops are open 24 hours, with three shifts.

  • William Lou

    William Lou


    Very crowded park in the weekend when Spring season. Everyone loves picnic below Sakura’s tree. Happening place. A lot of foods to be bought with ¥500 to ¥600 each. A lot of festivals such as dancing, singing, etc. The toilet is few hundreds meters long. Better go to toilet before going to this place. Nearest toilet around other area is also quite long. You can smell strong pee smell around toilet area.

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