Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden en Shinjuku

JapónShinjuku Gyoen National Garden


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11 Naitomachi, Shinjuku, Tokyo 160-0014, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3350-0151
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Latitude: 35.6851763, Longitude: 139.7100517

comentarios 5

  • en

    Jessica Christy


    It's a beautiful park and the admission fee is not too expensive. It has flower gardens filled with various kind and species of flower like roses. Good to go to when you feel like having a little morning or afternoon stroll or if you'd like to have a picnic. I recommend tourists to go there especially in spring and/or autumn.

  • Jason Wang

    Jason Wang


    It's a truly beautiful garden that takes features from the East and West and blends them together wonderfully in a single space. Having arrived at 330 while the gates closed at 430, our visit was rushed, but we got to enjoy sections of the park where there were nearly no people! This is truly a must visit if you're in the area, especially since the gate fee is only 200 yen per person. We got really lucky and found the molt of a rhinoceros beetle! I highly recommend making the visit here!

  • Eric Chan

    Eric Chan


    Our 1st time and also 1st experience with a Japanese Garden and viewing up close of the Cherry Blossom. Great place for a walk (and picnic) with family and friends, and for tourists too. Was a little early in the season as there were still some trees that were not fully blossomed but we had a wonderful time. Spent a few hours in the park admiring the vast open space, the flora and fauna. Great place to visit.

  • Perdita Andrew

    Perdita Andrew


    The Shinjuku national garden is a lovely large park in central Shinjuku. It's only 200 yen for entry and you can stay for hours. The traffic isn't audible and it's a nice place to have lunch or sunbathe. There are pretty ponds and several tea houses tucked away that do offer the traditional tea service ceremony at certain hours - check in advance. The gardens have a lot to offer - a rose show was happening when I was there, and some kind of country fair equivalent. There's also a greenhouse for tropical plants and flowers with a waterfall that has free entry inside the park.

  • Jeanie Conner

    Jeanie Conner


    This garden is really large and has beautiful landscaping. Because of its size and because they charge money for admission and don't allow alcohol, it's not too crowded during cherry blossom season. It's a great place to come for a chill picnic or to walk around and take pictures. There is a little shop in the garden that sells snacks and drinks, and there are many wonderful photo spots. Easily walkable from several train stations in the area.

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