Yoyogi 2 Post Office i Shibuya City

JapanYoyogi 2 Post Office



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2-chōme-2-13 Yoyogi, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0053, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3370-1911
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6869572, Longitude: 139.6997756

kommentar 5

  • Masa



    Today I looked after Mr Yanagihara. He was so kind and friendly perfectly knowledged about his job. Everything went well for me. I really appreciate to him. Thank you very much 😊🙏

  • AM B

    AM B


    The male employee. Is very rude. I asked for help to pay something in Japanese and he said that the bank doesn't do that kind of payments. I told him why is it in the other branch can do the payment through ATM. I asked him many times "本当ですか。" and still persistent saying we don't do that kind of payment. Then when I showed him my passbook he then told to go to the ATM and assisted me.

  • 山口雅治



    I am posting this in the hope that it will be helpful for those who are going through the insurance procedures. When you enter the store, the staff at the counter stand up and greet you politely. Thank you. It felt very good. What was disappointing was the insurance counter. When I requested the cancellation procedure, I was told that it would take 2 hours to cancel. I was told that I looked angry. I thought it was strange that it took 2 hours, but I told them to hurry up with the process as much as possible and asked them to proceed as is. Then, the same staff member said, ``As expected, there is no one in charge, so we cannot proceed with the procedure.'' . . I wish they had told me that from the beginning, but I felt a bit disappointed. . . When I went to the nearby Shinjuku Post Office, I received a polite response. All procedures were completed within 30 minutes. I originally thought it would be one star, but other people at Yoyogi Second Station The greeting was very thorough, so I'll make it into two. We would like to request that you improve the service provided at the insurance counter.

  • ぽすとん



    I went there to get a commemorative landscape stamp stamped. Due to its location, there seem to be a lot of users, and if there are too many people lining up at the ATM, the entrance to the counter will be blocked, making it a little difficult to get through. The male staff member who answered the counter was probably used to stamping landscape stamps, but before stamping the postcards, he lightly stamped them on memo paper and sent them to me. "It's a design like this, but I'll stamp it here." After that, he quickly stamped the postcard neatly without covering the design on the stamp.




    The most nice staff and fast service

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