Yotsuya Mayflower House Guesthouse i Shinjuku-ku

JapanYotsuya Mayflower House Guesthouse


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Japan, 〒160-0002 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, 新宿区坂町3丁目5−13
kontakter telefon: +81 120-881-456
internet side: www.roppongi-mayflower-house.com
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Latitude: 35.6906695, Longitude: 139.7250411

kommentar 5

  • en

    ashely prater


    The owner is Kiyomura. He is one of the most disgusting human being I've even met. AVOID this place unless you'd like to sleep with bed bugs-

  • Tom Rhodes

    Tom Rhodes


    The owner is crazy and will cheat you if he can. Just avoid it. (I cannot say for sure that 'John Carter' is a false review, but it is suspicious)

  • en

    John Carter


    I liked this place. Owner and neighbors are very friendly. The room is not new, but there is everything to stay well. I recommended to my friends.

  • en

    Jorge S. Kilzi


    I stayed for one month at KACHIDOKI's house. This place is the most disgusting place I was unlucky enough to end up at. plus that the management and the way they treat you is just not describable with decent words. STAY AWAY FROM THIS APARTMENTS!

  • Max Lee

    Max Lee


    Dirty and unmanage hostel. Does not come with necessity for home stay

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