Hotel Bougainvillea Akebono-bashi i Shinjuku-ku

JapanHotel Bougainvillea Akebono-bashi


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6-8 Katamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tōkyō-to 160-0001, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5366-3761
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Latitude: 35.6927492, Longitude: 139.7249861

kommentar 5

  • Putjai Indranoi

    Putjai Indranoi


    Can not use foreigner credit card.

  • en

    Wei Qiu


    Wall paper peered off everywhere, table light looks like a 60's with broken cover. 1 star at the most. If there's an option, I would not give any star at all.

  • ko

    Yechan Kim


    아케보노바시역에서 도보 5분도 걸리지 않는 가까운 거리입니다. 근처에 세븐일레븐 편의점이 있어 매우 편합니다. 전자레인지는 데스크 직원에게 부탁하시면 됩니다. 데스크 직원은 매우 친절하고 영어가 약간 가능합니다. 화장실은 작지만 알차고 방도 매우 크진 않지만 침대는 푹신푹신 합니다. 가격에 비하면 괜찮은 호텔입니다.

  • Evangeline Lovette

    Evangeline Lovette


    One of the cheaper hotels in Tokyo. It's not far from Akebonobashi station and a 20 to 30 minutes walk to the shopping district Shinjuku. Room size is reasonable. It's a bit small but big enough if you are just looking for a comfortable place to rest your head and rejuvenate for the next day of activities. They clean the room everyday and replace your towels and robes daily. There is no breakfast provided but there is a Chicken Man cafe just next to the hotel and 7-11 is just a minute walk away.

  • Marcos Caballero Contioso

    Marcos Caballero Contioso


    Just okay if you need a rest

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