Yoshokutei Uto in Uto

JapanYoshokutei Uto



🕗 öffnungszeiten

223-1 Hanazonomachi, Uto, Kumamoto 869-0413, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 964-22-5811
webseite: youshokutei.net
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.6818136, Longitude: 130.6830686

kommentare 5

  • Kelvin Siu

    Kelvin Siu


    Nice restaurant and food. Adequate parking space

  • ザウルス



    I ordered the plateau pork steak and medium-sized short rib steak. When ordering a set, there is a service where you can turn the rice into curry rice or omelet rice for an additional fee, and it's nice to be able to upgrade! Without hesitation, I changed to curry rice. Both the pork and ribs were tender and delicious! There are two types of sauce and you can change the flavor.

  • ゆずぽん



    I went for lunch last month. There were many customers lining up outside even before the store opened at 11am, so I could tell it was popular. The customer service at the shop was polite and efficient, and the soup arrived piping hot shortly after I ordered it. Lunch of meat and beef stew. It was so delicious that I could have eaten a large serving of rice. At noon, customers come one after another. It's a cozy restaurant with a variety of people coming in, including regular couples, women enjoying their meals while reading books, groups of male students, men at work, young couples, and friendly female friends. I thought so.

  • subkhi akhi

    subkhi akhi


    Very beautiful

  • Jennifer Saito

    Jennifer Saito


    Extremely delicious! Will definitely visit again!

nächste Restaurant

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