川端珈琲店/カワバタバード in Uki




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Magano-115-1 Matsubasemachi, Uki, Kumamoto 869-0511, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 80-9107-0050
webseite: kawabata-candd.sakura.ne.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.6564701, Longitude: 130.6877322

kommentare 5

  • ねむゆきんこ



    For the first time in years! ! To eat pancakes 😋✨ It was after I had eaten. I thought I had some leeway because I had a separate stomach. It was surprisingly tough😇 But I managed to eat it by myself 🎀 Added berry sauce topping 🫐! As always, the inside was fluffy and delicious! I'm curious about the new salted caramel pancakes. I'll bother you again next time 😌 It seems that they are no longer offering take-out meals! !




    Used for lunch. Gapao rice and avocado bowl were pretty good. The coffee that day was amazing. It is better to check the taste with the staff before ordering.

  • りん



    The pancakes, served straight from the skillet, were crunchy on the outside, fluffy on the inside, full of volume, and delicious. The chicken nanban for lunch was also delicious and looked good. The shop also has private rooms where you can relax.

  • yu*nnie



    I ordered yangnyeom chicken bowl and special coffee... The taste of the yangnyeom chicken bowl and the coffee were average. The service and atmosphere was good. Is the price cheaper? Would pancakes have been delicious?

  • u r

    u r


    Kawabata Coffee Shop is famous for its large fluffy pancakes. The first thing I ordered here was diced steak pilaf and Neapolitan (*'▽'*) The steak is grilled with a bit of spice♪ Of course it goes well with pilaf (=´∀`) Neapolitan is a nostalgic taste. It's that simple. It tastes like mom's (^o^) The pancakes are overwhelming in volume ( ゚д゚) It's a sign that it's baked and puffed up. ( ˘ω˘ ) Yeah! When you put it in your mouth, you first feel the saltiness of the butter, and then the sweetness spreads out (=´∀`) The inside is moist and has a smooth texture. (*´꒳`*)〜♪ You can eat without taking away too much water from your mouth)^o^( Enjoy it with a sweet drink (*´꒳`*)♪ I am very full☆ Thank you for the meal♪

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