Yoshiokatennoji Dental Clinic i Taiwa

JapanYoshiokatennoji Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

Tennōji-183-9 Yoshioka, Taiwa, Kurokawa District, Miyagi 981-3621, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-344-4341
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.441737, Longitude: 140.884343

kommentar 2

  • NEWSな3人



    Elementary school students are not examined. I called because my gums were in bad condition after my baby tooth fell out. If you don't want to see a child, you should just tell them first, but we don't treat children until we ask about the condition of the teeth, the condition of the gums, and which tooth has fallen out (top, bottom, right, or left). So I was asked to see a pediatric dentist. It wasn't a cavity, but it was an emergency, so I called, but it was a waste of time. A layman cannot understand the numbers and names of teeth. Thread cutting teeth? Even though I was asked this question, I was such an amateur that I only learned for the first time that there are thread cutting teeth on the bottom as well.

  • メグ



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