Tagami Dental Clinic i Sendai

JapanTagami Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒981-3135 Miyagi, Sendai, Izumi Ward, Yaotomechūō, 1-chōme−4−20 プレジュール八乙女 プレジュール八乙女1F
kontakter telefon: +81 22-218-6789
internet side: www.tagami-shika.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.3126852, Longitude: 140.8851734

kommentar 5

  • 藤本トシエ



    I have been seeing him for 27 years since he opened his practice. When I went to see the doctor, my teeth were really bad, but since then, I have received thorough treatment, and I am now able to eat deliciously, which is all thanks to the doctor. He has the best technique and is a good teacher who can talk to me about anything kindly. My children and grandchildren are also being treated. As you approach your 30th anniversary, please take care of yourself and do your best. 🍀




    I would like everyone to take a look at the dental instruments lined up before treatment.Aren't the dental instruments lined up dirty? Are you washing this every time? It felt so unsanitary that I got scared and didn't want to go there anymore.

  • 3 RS

    3 RS


    I feel like a very good teacher! She was cheerful and listened to me from the patient's perspective, which was an experience I had never had before at a hospital. I had my wisdom teeth removed, but it didn't hurt at all, and my arm feels great. It was worth the travel expenses.

  • 佐々木花



    In my experience, with other dentists, they often do various tests and don't ask me whether I want to do it or not and ask, ``When do you want to make your next appointment?'' This is something I'm concerned about. I was given a medical questionnaire to choose whether I would like to receive treatment for just one or all of the symptoms. It may just be that the treatment area happened to be there when I went to another dentist... lol I asked for a dental checkup for pregnant women here, but there were no particular problems, and the doctor said, ``Maybe it would be a good idea to get my dental cleaning done now.'' She also said, ``If you make an appointment today, you won't have to pay the first visit fee, so you can get a little bit of a discount next time.'' (Dental checkups for pregnant women are free with a subsidy ticket). This was a great help as I had originally planned to ask for a cleaning next time if there were no problems during the checkup. The doctors, dental assistants, and receptionists are all polite and kind.

  • * sonia

    * sonia


    He has been my primary care physician and my children's for many years. The doctors are kind and polite, so you can feel at ease with your treatment and consultation. Is it difficult to make a reservation for treatment (depending on the desired time) in the near future? I have the impression that it can be done at the desired time after about a week.

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