Yoshinoya en Shinjuku-ku




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒163-0690 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Nishishinjuku, 1 Chome−25, 新宿区 西新宿 1丁目 25 1 新宿センタービル地下1階
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5909-7565
sitio web: www.yoshinoya.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.691636, Longitude: 139.695446

comentarios 5

  • sara lavrysen

    sara lavrysen


    Er is een Engelse menu beschikbaar. Er is ook een vegetarische optie. Lekkere en budgetvriendelijke optie

  • ja




  • 826 kokuyama

    826 kokuyama



  • en

    Garett Kajiwara


    New 15 spice black curry is tasty and matches well with gyudon and soft boiled egg.

  • Ivan Yudhi

    Ivan Yudhi


    If you're talking about fast food beef bowl, you can't skip talking about Yoshiniya. They have a few branches here and there in US, but the original one taste so much better. When they say fast food, it's really fast food. Most people come here are in a hurry. Maybe they're on their way home, or trying to catch train or bus. People basically select what they want to eat by purchasing a coupon from a vending machine (usually outside, sometimes inside the restaurant). Find and empty stool to sit, give the coupon to the server and they'll bring out the food right away. They eat, and they leave. The turnover rate is very high. The food is excellent too. I had a chance to try out their breakfast menu which involves rice, fish and veggies. McMuffin got nothing on this, that's all I can say.

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