Kyomachi Koisigure Shinjyuku en Shinjuku City

JapónKyomachi Koisigure Shinjyuku



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Japan, 〒160-0022 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Shinjuku, 3-chōme−27−10 武蔵野会館 6F
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5360-7644
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6911161, Longitude: 139.7020887

comentarios 5

  • Arnab Pal

    Arnab Pal


    As a first-timer to Izakaya in Japan, originally had thought of Izakaya Gonpachi, however didn’t get any reservations and planned for Kyomachi and I was satiated to the core. From the moment we arrived we were amazed by the decor and architecture, it was a feeling we were entering a whole new world, disparate from the outside hustle-bustle of Shinjuku. We were ushered to a chandeliered cabin with vintage Japanese movie photos. The menu was online which was really convenient so we just ordered to our heart’s content and waited for the waitress to bring the food or beverages. The service was really polite, nice and courteous and while they could speak English very well, we didn’t need that as my Japanese friend did most of the talking. Dishes were delicately served and beautiful, cocktails, shochu and sake s were exotic. Will definitely visit again.

  • Sil Medrano

    Sil Medrano


    I found this on google maps, not expecting much from this isakaya. Made a last minute reservation and from the moment we arrived every detail on every corner was delightful, so many beautiful decorations and the architecture left us speechless. The menu is online which is really convenient so you just order and wait for the waitress to bring your food or drinks. The service was really polite, nice and they helped us by talking to us in English. My friend was vegan and they offered some options that could work for us. Dishes were delicately served and beautiful, drinks were exotically delicious. This for sure is my favorite izakaya in Japan.

  • Akira Simizu

    Akira Simizu


    Great restaurant especially for those visiting Japan. Although I didn't take any pictures, the restaurant has a very Kyoto style atmosphere, perfect for those who enjoy the more traditional architecture. The food was also delicious and you can directly access from Shinjuku station! Crowd Size: Unknown (Private Rooms) Serving Speed: Course Payment Method: Credit Card

  • Christina Cook

    Christina Cook


    Ordering was really fast. I went with my partner on a reserved time. Took probably 10-15 minutes per order (2-3 dishes each time). You order online and have 2 hours to eat there. No shoes - they have you take them off to get inside. Seating is nice on cushions and you can hang up your coats. I think the reviews are right about the food quality though. It was a bit questionable as some dishes were very oily or had really weird texture I did not know about from the menu before hand. Friendly staff though! Wi-Fi is given at 60 minute increments but you just need to sign up again afterwards. You need to put your shoes back on to get to the bathroom or barrow slippers. Overall, I would go again with a larger group of friends. We stopped ordering for a bit and the waiter pushed us to order faster or to leave. We didn't eat fast enough to stay the full 2 hours.

  • Brandon Liao

    Brandon Liao


    I must preface that the food here is not on par with the price you pay! The atmosphere however is amazing but I must agree with Jiro Waters review the food is quite average unfortunately. We got the beef set for 4400 yen pp, food comes quite slow, it took 1 hour and 30 minutes for all the food to come. It's clear that not a lot of effort has been put into each individual dish and the amount of beef was two small slices each. If you plan on eating here I would recommend not ordering the set menu and instead order individual dishes you are interested in. Excellent environment for eating in groups but unfortunately I just cannot recommend eating here.

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