Yoshinoya Miyazaki South en Miyazaki

JapónYoshinoya Miyazaki South



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-3-61 Nakamuranishi, Miyazaki, 880-0905, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 985-52-8220
sitio web: stores.yoshinoya.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 31.897185, Longitude: 131.417455

comentarios 5

  • 康平



    ① Not enough soup. There is no liquid under the rice. (Takeout time is less than 10 minutes) ② I was not asked if I needed a spoon or chopsticks. ③They don't add pickled ginger. I don't even listen. When asked about separates, the answer was, "There is no such service." I felt there was a lack of service spirit.

  • あいうえお



    I came here for the first time in several years and was surprised! The inside of the store is bright and stylish, like a burger shop, and the ordering system is unlike any other Yoshinoya. (It's a food court-like system where you enter the store, order and pay at the register, and then wait at your seat after receiving a bell.) I made a bowl of fried chicken with sweet vinegar and tartar sauce. Three large pieces of fried chicken, crispy, crispy and delicious! Lots of tartar sauce too! I thought it was potato salad because it was piled up so thick and round in the ice disher! It has enough volume even for a medium serving. However, everything, including the miso soup, was salty. (Maybe it's my age (^^;) The staff member was a lackluster customer service girl, but she seemed like a newcomer, so I guess she's just not used to it. It was a shame that the tables were dirty because they hadn't been wiped down, probably because it was dinner time. I would like to try the fried chicken next time. With so many menu items, it's no longer a gyudon restaurant ^ ^ Thank you for the meal!

  • Atiar Talukdar

    Atiar Talukdar


    Cheap and testy. Quantity is also heavy.

  • Atiar Talukdar

    Atiar Talukdar


    It was good

  • Chris Chan

    Chris Chan


    Cheap and decent food. This store is a bit larger and includes table seating and parking

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