Café Restaurant Gusto Miyazaki Otsuka en Miyazaki

JapónCafé Restaurant Gusto Miyazaki Otsuka



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Miyata-2988 Ōtsukachō, Miyazaki, 880-0951, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 31.9148739, Longitude: 131.3986143

comentarios 5

  • くみ



    I came to the store for the first time in a while to use the coupon from the newspaper insert. Robot serving food. There were coupons for the drink bar and fries, and the menu was rich, delicious, and fun. In this day and age, payment is also self-payment. Since it was the first day I switched to V Points, I was a little nervous about paying. While eating, scan the QR code on the table to complete the V Point app. Is it okay to pay with a VISA card? I left while talking to my husband that the menu was so extensive that I wanted to come again. The taste was quite good.

  • D Yuu

    D Yuu


    I watched Job Tune and ordered based on the unanimous consensus😋Everything was delicious. My kids are especially addicted to the cheese on cheese on hamburger steak and keep asking to go back to Gusto. ️I wanted to enjoy the offal. The curry is rich and delicious! ️It's an addictive taste, and I'd like to go back to eat it alone (I'm happy to get a large serving of rice for free). The cutlet is softer and more delicious than I expected❗️🍛 Next time I will order a different menu again 😊

  • Mo N (o)

    Mo N (o)


    There is a touch panel menu at your seat, and you can order by touching it. A cat robot serves meals. With PayPay, you can pay at your seat. The cash register is completely self-checkout, so you only need to speak to the staff when you enter the store.

  • Brian Tom

    Brian Tom


    cheap lunch and robot servers! 🤖

  • Jeniece (Dr. Lusk)

    Jeniece (Dr. Lusk)


    The food was the same quality as the others, but the service was always a bit slower.

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