Yoshinoya in Machida




🕗 öffnungszeiten

6-chōme-11-7 Haramachida, Machida, Tokyo 194-0013, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 42-710-5074
webseite: stores.yoshinoya.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.5442371, Longitude: 139.4457813

kommentare 5

  • 三浦多史



    After all, Yoshinoya's set meals are good value for money! It's really helpful because you can eat as many refills as you like! Moreover, since it is not a self-serve restaurant, the inside of the restaurant is clean and you can eat with peace of mind! If the tables and counters in the store are dirty, it really makes me feel bad! That's really important!

  • Bouramdane Aliobrahime

    Bouramdane Aliobrahime



  • タカト



    I entered the restaurant around 22:00 after dinner time on weekdays. I used it to eat quickly and go home. It's convenient as it's near the station. At this time, the seats on the second floor were not available, so I went to the counter seat on the first floor. What I ordered was Beef spicy curry 679 yen It arrived after about 3 minutes of waiting. After all, Yoshinoya is fast! Curry is spicy! It also contains a lot of meat, so the product name is true! It was delicious! Thank you for the meal. *PayPay can be used.

  • AaSe S01I79E

    AaSe S01I79E


    I used it during my break at work. I did some research on where to have lunch, but couldn't find a restaurant that stuck with me, so I decided on Yoshinoya, which seemed like a safe place. It was located just a short walk from Machida Station on the Odakyu Line, and the store was spread over two floors, from the first floor to the second floor. This time, I ordered the beef yakiniku bowl, which was advertised as a new product. I also received a salad and miso soup set. Everything was served within about 5 minutes of waiting. In the photo, it looked like it was coated in sauce, but in reality, it wasn't coated in sauce, and it was just seasoned, fragrant beef topped with sesame seeds and green onions. The taste wasn't bad, but I was expecting something with sauce on it, so I was a little disappointed. The salad and miso soup were okay. The second floor was staffed by one employee, and it was quite crowded, so it seemed busy, and the way the cold drinks were placed and the products were placed was a bit harsh, and the endings of the words were a little scary, which was a bit scary. . Thank you for the meal.

  • Zachary Hubbell

    Zachary Hubbell


    Standard Yoshinoya. Packed at lunch.

nächste Mahlzeit zum Mitnehmen

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