Popolamama bar in Machida

JapanPopolamama bar



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒194-0022 Tokyo, Machida, Morino, 1-chōme−39, 渋谷一樹ビル 2階
kontakte telefon: +81 42-723-8748
webseite: www.popolamama.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.5449107, Longitude: 139.445506

kommentare 5

  • えり



    I went at lunch time. The staff was very kind and polite, and I would like to use them again. The food was delicious, the interior was calm, and the seats were spaced just right for me to relax. There is also a wide variety of drink bars.

  • K T

    K T


    6 people used it on New Year's Eve on the 31st. The store is also spacious and has a comfortable atmosphere. I ordered the red carbonara soup with hanging bacon and it was absolutely delicious 😻 Once you know this, you won't be able to indulge in other menu items. I want to use it again. Thank you for the meal😋

  • K Y

    K Y


    Try all-you-can-eat at night. 2480 yen. It's similar to La Pausa, but the difference is that it's a driver, there are no side menus, and there are only three types of pizza, which are light and thin. I'm glad that some menu items can be served in half portions. The pasta was chewy and delicious. There's also gnocchi.

  • hana hana

    hana hana


    Popolamama has a lot of wine. Fresh pasta is delicious at an affordable price. Above all, the service is courteous and I am impressed. The inside of the store is clean and spacious, making it very comfortable. All-you-can-eat menu available.

  • 河口宏



    The chewy texture of fresh boiled pasta is great! I had the seafood Vongole Bianco, and the pasta that I ate with the clams, squid, scallops, and shrimp in the sauce was really delicious! It was so delicious that I wanted to try other pasta menu items as well.

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