York Benimaru Yaita in Yaita

JapanYork Benimaru Yaita



🕗 öffnungszeiten

168-1 Tomita, Yaita, Tochigi 329-2145, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 287-40-1155
webseite: yorkbenimaru.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.798426, Longitude: 139.929132

kommentare 5

  • Yuji Hattori

    Yuji Hattori


    It has a wide variety of products and is very convenient. There are other stores nearby, so there is a large parking lot.

  • R san

    R san


    We have a wide selection of products

  • me to

    me to


    This evening, In the side dish corner with fried foods, An overweight person with a bad attitude who walks languidly. Maybe a part-time high school student? What does it mean to stare at customers? If you're neglecting your job, I think it's better not to do it. Shoppers feel bad. I also saw your name tag, so if you don't see it much in the future, I think I'll write here again. What are the criteria for the person in charge of the Yaita store? I wonder if they are hiring. Looking at the reviews of this store, It seems like there are some people who have a bad attitude from time to time. I don't think they have properly selected people. Because money is generated, I want you to do it well.

  • 吉川波平



    Large York Benimaru. Clothes, shelter, food, and more are all conveniently available.

  • 七半



    As expected, the store is large and has a wide selection of products. The price is low, and I can see why there are many Benimaru fans who like Benimaru. The same thing was cheaper than at the roadside station.

nächste Supermarkt

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