Daiyu Shioya in Shioya

JapanDaiyu Shioya



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27-1 Tamanyū, Shioya, Shioya District, Tochigi 329-2221, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 287-45-0454
webseite: liondor.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.772838, Longitude: 139.851731

kommentare 5

  • すだ



    A large supermarket located in the center of Shioya Town. They have a wide variety of groceries, including locally grown vegetables, so if you're in need of something, you'll probably be able to get it done here. It's also perfect for shopping at nearby campgrounds.




    I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that shopping in Shioya Town has become easier thanks to this supermarket. This is helpful because I end up having to go to York-Benimaru in neighboring Yaita City, Sanyu in Kamikawachi, Utsunomiya City, or York-Benimaru or The Big Extra Sakura store in Sakura City. Personally, I like the view of Mt. Takahara from the parking lot here (though you can see it from everywhere in Shioya Town). Parking is also easy and convenient. I was surprised to see large trucks parked there from time to time, but I thought it was nice that this was a supermarket where large truck drivers could also shop (there were no parking restrictions). I'm addicted to the PASCO bean bread that they sell here (at least, it doesn't seem to be available in local supermarkets), so I come here often to buy this bread. I ended up buying 3 or 4 pieces even though I was alone, and the other day I noticed that the layout of the display shelves had changed and there were more bean breads on display than before. I'm very happy. Unfortunately, the price of my favorite bean bread has increased, probably due to the recent increase in raw material prices. It seems like they don't make them every day anymore, so it's become difficult to buy Norimaki, which comes in a half-size pack of 3 and can only be purchased at Daiyu. Among them, I love natto rolls. Unfortunately, the tragedy of rising raw material prices has also affected this natto maki. The price has remained the same, but the length of the natto rolls has become slightly shorter. (Please see the image.) I was casually looking at February 2022 and December 2022 and realized, Wow! ? It's sad, but I love natto rolls, That being said, I continue to purchase it. Lunch boxes and side dishes are almost sold out after the evening, so there are many days when I can't buy anything. Many times I thought I should go earlier in the day. I think shopping here will be convenient for those camping at Lake Higashigoya, Kenmin no Mori, etc.

  • Agodashi Man

    Agodashi Man


    It was empty, but the selection was good and the prices were good. I stopped by in front of the camp, but it's perfect for shopping.

  • Nur Nia

    Nur Nia


    This is a good place

  • 空とこの道出逢う場所へ



    The store isn't very large, but they have a decent selection of products, so it's not a problem. It was fairly busy with locals and people shopping for leisure.

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