York Benimaru Ishii w Utsunomiya

JaponiaYork Benimaru Ishii



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3351-1 Ishiimachi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0912, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 28-657-7149
strona internetowej: yorkbenimaru.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.5290713, Longitude: 139.9219353

komentarze 5

  • ヨッシ



    This is Benimaru in the industrial park. The store has wide aisles, making it easy to shop around with a cart.

  • rutile



    The parking lot has become narrower due to the opening of Daiso (small in size, so the selection is limited). If you enter through the entrance with a step, even a normal car may scrape the bumper. The products seemed expensive compared to other stores.

  • smile



    The other day, when I went to the meat department to buy a pack of chicken breasts, the outside was sticky and sticky from the meat drippings, and my hands were sticky as soon as I picked up the pack. And other packs too (stunned) I gave up buying it because it was too dirty. On the way home, I thoroughly disinfected it with alcohol. What is the packaging for? At the very least, make sure the packaging is secure so that the liquid doesn't leak out! !

  • くまくま



    Daiso has opened on the premises of Ishii store. Going to Benimaru-san with your kids will be even more fun ^_^ Let's go!

  • wa yamamoto

    wa yamamoto


    20210910 It's a large supermarket, so the selection is good. There is also a pharmacy attached. When leaving the parking lot, when it's time to go home, traffic is often so congested that you can't even turn right or merge left from the west exit, so we recommend choosing a route that takes you from the north exit and passes through an intersection with a traffic light. To do. The fast food corner was removed and replaced with a prefecture specialty product corner and a rest area.

najbliższy Supermarket

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