Seijo Ishii Utsunomiya Paseo Store w Utsunomiya

JaponiaSeijo Ishii Utsunomiya Paseo Store



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Japan, 〒321-0965 Tochigi, Utsunomiya, Kawamukōchō, 1−23 パセオ1F食品館
kontakt telefon: +81 28-621-2231
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.55958, Longitude: 139.8981164

komentarze 5

  • 鑫#イ言θ月



    It is the only Seijo Ishii in Tochigi Prefecture and one of only three in the entire northern Kanto region, including Takasaki Station and Fukaya Outlet. The product selection is on par with or slightly higher than Seijo Ishii in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Most of the products you would expect from Seijo Ishii are available. Seijo Ishii Craft Cola usually costs 259 yen, or at least 198 yen, but I was happy to see that it was sold here for 159 yen. The bento corner is also well stocked. I usually buy nasi goreng or other ethnic bentos, but this time I bought a beef bowl with soft-boiled eggs and onions from Awaji Island for 599 yen. The rice was dry, which was a rare disappointment for Seijo Ishii.

  • ミカミカ



    On a trip with my mother. During the day, I went to Nikko and visited three gyoza shops for dinner. . Each person's impressions. . I'm more excited about this than the upstairs (clothes, shoes, accessories, etc.)! ️ There are so many ingredients and seasonings from all over the world that it takes quite a while. . . (2-3 hours or so...) Because I want to see everything. . . However, with so many different kinds of ingredients now available (easily❗️), it's only a matter of time before some genius elementary school student invents a dish that no one has ever seen before. . (Very good thing❗️) The opposite has been happening for quite some time now, with authentic Italian chefs understanding and using techniques and seasonings of Japanese cuisine, such as kelp soup stock. What do you want to say? ? Dear professional chefs, as I have seen in various places the other day, if you don't put in the effort, you will be overtaken (soon). . . You can't win unless you understand the difference between work and work (the meanings of each) and face yourself seriously. After all, everyone should know this word. Love is what makes you good at things❣️ (Love makes you good at things❣️) I keep learning how to respond to every customer's request, and I keep thinking about how I can make the customer's time (meal time) even more wonderful. . . Because. I'm a chef, so it's only natural, right? ?

  • Mr_hige



    Seijo Ishii is located at Utsunomiya Station. It's located inside a station, so it's small, but they had a lot of Seijo Ishii-style products. I also thought that the feature was that they had a full alcohol corner.

  • ズワルアリス




  • mackey 161

    mackey 161


    There is a luxury food price is high

najbliższy Supermarket

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