York Benimaru en Sendai

JapónYork Benimaru



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-11-23 Kamiyagari, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3121, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-772-5880
sitio web: yorkbenimaru.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.315271, Longitude: 140.872255

comentarios 5

  • 吉野敏



    At one point, we installed a large number of self-checkout registers, which reduced the number of regular registers. That's fine, but there is only one place to put the items in your own bag after checking out, compared to the usual two, so it's very crowded. As a result of informing the headquarters, one new location was added, which is good, but it's just a table set up with no consideration for the customers. There are no bags installed and no one uses the area. As a result, it is usually crowded with people who have finished checking out the register. It seems like they don't care about the customers at all. I don't know if the response from the headquarters or the store manager is bad, but it seems better not to go to this store.

  • ライフサポートシステム山崎(便利屋)



    I used it at 9pm. Some items were discounted to more than half price just before closing! The flower corner was also beautiful🌸

  • papa papapapa

    papa papapapa


    Stable York Benimaru Sports Depot and Homac are also located on the same premises. It's a convenient place

  • たかぴん



    usually. There is a parking space for wheelchairs, but you have to cross the road inside the venue, so it's not very useful, so be careful. There is a good selection of shelf-stable products and they are convenient. There are times when the freshness of vegetables and fruits is not very well controlled, so it would be better to take a closer look at what you buy.

  • ゴールドシップ



    It's an average supermarket, it doesn't seem cheap or expensive. As a shopper, I am very grateful that the parking lot is large and easy to park. It's a large store, so I thought they had a good selection of products. The staff's response was also good.

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