Yokohamaya Hachiojiminaminoten i Hachioji

JapanYokohamaya Hachiojiminaminoten



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-15-10 Minamino, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0916, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 42-632-7788
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.627753, Longitude: 139.327506

kommentar 5

  • PMサウナー



    When I came here for the first time in a while, I found that seasonings such as ginger and garlic were self-service. I've used this store many times, and this time I came here around 2pm on a weekday. Since it was empty, the clerk guided us smoothly. There is free zha cai at the seats, which is also delicious. I feel sorry for the store, but I have emptied it many times lol. I ordered the char siu noodles and gyoza set. I was told that I would get a free soft drink during the lunch service, so I went to pick it up along with some water. It's a nice service. The ramen is delicious with a homemade soup, and the chashu is long and thin but soft and easy to eat. I was a little concerned about the staff's footsteps as they walked, but it's a restaurant I'd like to come back to eat at again.

  • Eric Wu

    Eric Wu


    Too salty 🧂 🤪 udon

  • のんのこ



    It's not delicious. The char siew was cold in some places, dry and tasted so strong that I couldn't finish it. The store is large, so it's nice to be able to relax.

  • Mr.T



    I ordered the green onion ramen with soft noodles❗Spicy green onions, thick and fragrant char siu, perfectly half-cooked boiled eggs, it was delicious❗The staff were also cheerful and served customers well, and compared to the Takao store, this one was definitely better👍(LOL) ) I went to get the toppings, but there was nothing lined up. The clerk seemed busy so I gave up. It would be nice if you could give me some toppings when you bring me the food.

  • Samuel Soto

    Samuel Soto


    This place felt like a olive garden on its way to die. A weird wet dog smell everywhere, sloppy service, dirty dishes, condiments empty at the table. The ramen had a fish based broth, the spicy noodle was ok (like tantanmen minus the sour taste in the noodle). This restaurant saw better days.

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