Jolly Pasta i Hachioji

JapanJolly Pasta



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560-22 Kunugidamachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 193-0942, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 42-669-3930
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6377954, Longitude: 139.3049128

kommentar 5

  • たかちゃん



    I haven't used it in a while. The atmosphere was calm, but I could hear the staff chatting loudly, so I wish they would have been more aware that they were working. The food was delicious. The Quattro Formaggi pizza in the set didn't come with honey, and the staff who brought it to me couldn't understand what he said in a low voice. I thought it would be nice if the store staff's training was a little better. I ordered a salad with sautéed mushrooms, which I always like, but perhaps the contents had changed, and the warm sautéed mushrooms had been replaced with cold ones. The taste was delicious.

  • Kazu 09

    Kazu 09


    This restaurant, their pastas are delicious. and it's also relaxing to eat here, and the ambiance is also nice. Their drink bar has many options, and their soup is also delicious.

  • Chris W

    Chris W


    A nice Japanese-Italian family restaurant chain that focuses a little more on quality than some of its similar competitors. The menu is pretty good and varied, and the staff have been friendly each time I've been. If you haven't been and the name puts you off, consider going anyway. It might surprise you.

  • David Janetski

    David Janetski


    It's not bad food. It's not wonderful. It's very similar quality to saizeria. It's more expensive though.

  • Tammie Honda

    Tammie Honda


    Drink bar iineee

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