Yokohama Sakae Kyosai Hospital i Yokohama

JapanYokohama Sakae Kyosai Hospital



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132-2 Katsurachō, Sakae Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 247-8581, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 45-891-2171
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Latitude: 35.3629364, Longitude: 139.5506302

kommentar 5

  • 虎雨(試作83号機改)



    I was admitted to the Department of Oral and Oral Surgery and had my wisdom teeth extracted. The surgery was completed without any problems and I was discharged from the hospital. Hospital food was provided with a menu that took into account the patient's likes and dislikes. I also visit a gastroenterologist once every three months for a different matter (intractable disease), but I am called at almost the same time as my scheduled appointment time. In my case, there is a blood test, but if you complete it an hour before your appointment time, the blood test results will be available in an hour, so if you keep that in mind, you will be called almost at the appointment time. Even if you go outside of your appointment due to an incurable disease or sudden deterioration of your condition, you will be called in without having to wait that long. Even though it's a general hospital, there are some reviews that say, "You have to be on time just like a clinic," but this is a general hospital.

  • Tak Aoki

    Tak Aoki


    I checked the rating of this hospital before going and it was 2.7. However, if you read the details, you will find that there are people who treat large hospitals the same as clinics, and people who evaluate nurses like Mr. Nakai at an inn.I would like to strongly state that. Hospitals are not service businesses. This is a medical institution. The doctor who was in charge of the surgery started seeing me for the first time before 9am, immediately decided to perform an emergency surgery, started the surgery at 4pm, and after 2 hours of surgery, he came to my hospital room at 8:30pm. You are here. So, I went to see the doctor first thing the next morning. I was greatly impressed by the young orthopedic surgeon's strong passion for his work. Large organizations have people with various characters and conditions. It's understandable to vent your negative feelings about your experience on Google when it comes to stores and services, but I don't think it's appropriate for healthcare workers. I think it's good to have respect. There were two nurses in the hospital room. I had a questionnaire form to mark with ⭐️. In April 2024, I felt a strong desire to improve CS at this hospital. Needless to say, I gave it a perfect score.

  • c f

    c f


    My child is being cared for by an otorhinolaryngologist. The teacher is very kind and always responds kindly. The receptionist is also kind. I was admitted to the hospital for surgery, but the nurses in Ward B3 treated me the worst. First of all, I quickly forget what I told you. I can't even apologize for that. Even if you ask for something, everything will be answered in a troublesome way. Then, she told the other nurses about it in front of the patient's family as if it were a tell-all. Also, when I passed by the nurse's station, the cleaning staff was greeting the nurses as they finished cleaning. Even though there were many nurses at the nursing station, everyone ignored me. (Even though he didn't seem particularly busy and we were just chatting) Thank you for your hard work. Can't you say a single word? I despise him as a person. I can't stand the cleaning staff, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I even called out to him. There are many reviews saying that the nurses are not responsive, but are the nurses receiving proper feedback? I myself work in a position of instructing people, and if I receive your feedback, I will provide guidance to all staff on the same day and strive to improve. As long as you are paid for your work, there are no excuses for being busy or not having people around. I guess they took advantage of the fact that they can't speak out strongly because they don't want to be harassed because their family is in the hospital. Why don't we take a little more pride in our work? I don't think it's possible if you haven't seen any improvement for years, but...

  • エママモン



    I gave birth to my third child here. I was worried because the reviews weren't very good, but the midwife in charge was very good at delivering the baby, even though she was young. Since this is my third child, I can clearly see that the midwives have experience and skills! ! I had two babies at other hospitals, and I was impressed by how much of a difference a midwife could make. The room was also clean and comfortable. The other midwives and nurses were all friendly and kind. It's been four years since then, but thank you for your help. thank you very much.

  • Walter Fahnestock

    Walter Fahnestock


    Mostly a very good hospital and they do their best in helping foreigners. It is even possible to get an operation here without knowing any Japanese.

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