Shonan Kamakura General Hospital i Kamakura

JapanShonan Kamakura General Hospital



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1370-1 Okamoto, Kamakura, Kanagawa 247-8533, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 467-46-1717
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.345823, Longitude: 139.5152085

kommentar 5

  • Kapila Abeysinghe

    Kapila Abeysinghe


    Big hospital. 24 hours out patients department operates. Best place for PCR. You can go without prior call or reservations. Good for foreigners becase they have foreign languages translators Very good doctors. And nurses.

  • nurse catie

    nurse catie


    I chose this hospital because they have translators. And for the record, applause to the wonderful staffs of Translation department. I was on my 6 weeks AOG when I had my check up with this hospital. I met the doctor, and told me to comeback for another check up because we can't see the baby yet. I went home without any advice on what should be the cautions and if I need to take any vitamins etc. Same month, I experienced brownish discharged and called the hospital, they just told me to monitor as advised by the doctor. The day after that, I already experiencing little pain in my lower abdomen and blood discharged but still they told me to just monitor my condition because there's no difficulty of breathing. The situation got worst and finally they gave me a schedule for the check up. As expected, our baby was gone. The fact that the doctor knew that i had miscarriage before, but she didn't gave me anything and that makes me felt sorry for myself that I chose this hospital. If you have sensitive pregnancy, I strongly don't recommend this hospital at all. You don't know how painful it is trying to have a baby but we trusted you enough to take care of us but you didn't!!!

  • Igor Alex

    Igor Alex


    I did ningen dock in this hospital. Paid around 160,000 yen. Equipment looks modern, BUT. They can not provide results in a file, it is still old century paper. When I called hospital they promised to scan results or find some other way - no further action. 1/ Outdated data management 2/ Do not keep promise= Avoid. Now many hospitals offer to download your ningen dock results from their website. Even in Japan

  • Donald Otsu

    Donald Otsu


    My wife and I have been admitted to this hospital many times and have been given the best professional medical care possible …the staff is very caring yet highly professional and the facilities are all first rate…we are very satisfied with the medical care we have and will receive in the future from this highly accredited institution …

  • Bee



    Very good experience at this hospital, clean good facilities, and fast. We had our own translation specialist for the appointments/pharmacy who were very helpful. All doctors and nurses took their time listening. Great for foreign nationals in need of translation and good service. Thank you

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