鮨割烹 みどり en Chiba

Japón鮨割烹 みどり



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-21-5 Kasuga, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0033, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 43-241-1530
sitio web: www.midori-sushi.net
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6213589, Longitude: 140.1027326

comentarios 5

  • 37山(37)



    This is a long-established sushi restaurant located in front of Nishi-Chiba Station. It seems to be called sushi kappo. This place has quite a long history, so much so that when I was a child, I used to have a parent-teacher meeting here~ (lol) However, ever since the Green Tower Hotel was opened, I often have dinner there with my parents and friends, and it's been decades since I've been to Nishi-Chiba. This time there were a lot of people, so we rented a private room, but some floors have wheelchair accessible washrooms, so it might be a good idea to have a casual celebration or a nice lunch in the future.

  • ヒロユキ“ZAWA”



    I bought bento and side dishes at “Midoriichi” ~ It’s been 20 years since I visited the main store 😅 🏨I've been to the Green Tower store several times, and the main store has a nice atmosphere👍

  • A 1

    A 1


    near chiba univ. nice place for lunch.

  • Kei's World ちゃんねる

    Kei's World ちゃんねる


    A long-established Japanese cuisine restaurant in Nishi-Chiba that has been in business for about 68 years. You can enjoy very delicious Japanese food, but the price is quite high, so I thought it would be difficult to rate it. I think this is a very good restaurant if you want to enjoy a Japanese course meal slowly. The 5,000 yen banquet course includes seven dishes. I think this is a great place to relax and enjoy conversation while enjoying Japanese food in a private room!

  • Rizky Adi

    Rizky Adi


    Pleasant place, good service. I may not be a professional but i think there's something lacking with the sushi serving. Also it may be super helpful if the staffs notice to ask whether they have to put wasabi inside the sushi or to separate it whenever foreign guests come to their place. (Foreigner may not expect what's inside the sushi).

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