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15-1 Honchibachō, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0014, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 43-222-2111
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6074485, Longitude: 140.1182861

comentarios 5

  • Ram Prasath Govindarajan

    Ram Prasath Govindarajan


    Good accommodation and service. I had breakfast buffet which had a wide spread of varieties. A little far from Chiba main station.

  • Imad Nuddin

    Imad Nuddin


    The Keisei Hotel Miramare is a 3-star hotel located in the center of Chiba City, Japan. It is a short walk from the Chiba Station, making it a convenient base for exploring the city or for taking day trips to Tokyo Disneyland or Tokyo DisneySea. The hotel has a total of 270 rooms, all of which are equipped with air conditioning, a TV, a mini-bar, and a hair dryer. Some rooms also have a balcony with views of the city or the bay. The hotel has a number of facilities, including a restaurant, a bar, a fitness center, and a spa. There is also a business center with free Wi-Fi. The breakfast buffet is included in the price of the room and offers a variety of Japanese and Western dishes. The Keisei Hotel Miramare is a good option for budget-minded travelers who are looking for a clean and comfortable place to stay in Chiba. The location is convenient, the facilities are adequate, and the staff is friendly and helpful. Here are some of the pros and cons of the Keisei Hotel Miramare: Pros: Convenient location near the Chiba Station Clean and comfortable rooms Good breakfast buffet Friendly and helpful staff Cons: Rooms are a bit small No view from some rooms Breakfast buffet is not included in the price of the room for some room types. Overall, the Keisei Hotel Miramare is a good option for budget-minded travelers who are looking for a clean and comfortable place to stay in Chiba. If you are looking for a more spacious room with a view, you may want to consider a different hotel.

  • Spy



    Convenient location in the center near the monorail station and a shopping mall. Room is sufficient for a single person with average fittings. Breakfast in the nearby restaurant is not worth the extra cost. Luckily there are other restaurants and coffee shops nearby.

  • Lau Chia How

    Lau Chia How


    Hotel is accessible and located within a 10 minute walk from Chiba JR station. The room and toilet are spacious. Miyazaki-san at the front desk was very helpful and addressed my questions patiently. There are parking spaces located below the hotel and car rental nearby.

  • PH Two Chua

    PH Two Chua


    Not so expensive for coffee/tea time. 700 plus coffee but you get another refill for free. Love the sofa spot with outlet. Great for working/studying. Most customers are on a date or probably business meetings. Not noisy

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