YAOHAN NEW Ohira Store en Tochigi

JapónYAOHAN NEW Ohira Store



🕗 horarios

152 Ōhiramachi Nishinoda, Tochigi, 329-4421, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 282-45-2070
sitio web: liondor.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.3287758, Longitude: 139.7138441

comentarios 5

  • まこちゃん



    There are elderly people drinking on the chairs in front of the store, so you can't use it when you want to, which is inconvenient. It cannot be used because the rest area inside the store is used by elderly people for a long time. Maybe it's because there are no more outside chairs, but there are other people who want to use it. I'm not saying that it's not good to talk. If it takes a long time, I would like you to consider changing the location and moving.

  • Kei I

    Kei I


    Cash register productivity needs to be improved. 1) Since the usage rate of COGCA is around 20%, PR activities should include the benefits. 2) Introduction of self-checkout. 3) Staff education.

  • 伊藤好夫



    By around 7:30 pm, the bento boxes and side dishes were almost gone.

  • mi mere

    mi mere


    Efforts to improve can be seen. Low-quality vegetables and fruits have been reduced. The fish corner has improved a lot. The sashimi is also delicious. Whole fish sold as a whole is also good. I think it would be better to lay the vegetable stand a little more flat. It seems that some people cannot reach the upper part. The aisles are wide, so even elderly people pushing carts can shop comfortably. The cashier service is also good. I think it's time to get rid of rubber gloves. There is no need to replace it for each customer. Because it's reused.

  • Tiara y514

    Tiara y514


    Recently, I have been using Vegetables are cheap and sashimi is delicious. I think bluefin tuna in particular has a great taste 🎵 I'm a little worried that it's a little cold inside the store. Even if it's every day, I think I might come here soon.

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