Yaohan Momiyamaten w Kanuma

JaponiaYaohan Momiyamaten



🕗 godziny otwarcia

43-1 Momiyamamachi, Kanuma, Tochigi 322-0046, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 289-60-1717
strona internetowej: www.yaohan.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.532367, Longitude: 139.748183

komentarze 5

  • kacchin



    Originally, the cashier was probably a part-time worker at a supermarket in the countryside. I always feel like I don't have the energy to go shopping in a quiet store, but today I just couldn't resist! I went shopping around 5pm, and when I went to the cash register, there was only one place open and there were several people in line. Of course I'll be in line too. Line up at the back. I was wondering if there was a staff shortage, but a girl walked over from the other side, chatting with an old man who seemed to be a regular. I was wondering if it was the cashier's girl, but then she entered the register next to me and said, ``Huh? Well, can I ask you to check the register? '' said the old man as he ran the cash register. Is there one now? It's usually the second place with customers already in line! That's what I thought. I tried to hold back, but the cashier said, ``Isn't that unusual these days?'' Normally, if you were standing in line, you would be the second customer to check out, but here they give priority to regulars. There's a line behind me, too.'' “Huh. Well…” What? I wonder if this store doesn't even teach people how to say ``excuse me''! Even though it's a store that doesn't seem to have that much fresh food, the customer service will probably reduce the number of customers. I don't believe that customers are gods. I just want them to be educated so that both buyers and sellers can feel comfortable with each other. Aya: It's been years since I've seen a store with a cash register like this. The cash register is not only about how to operate the cash register, but also because it is the place where you interact with customers the most, so I want them to be trained so that they can say things like ``Excuse me,'' and I want them to hire people who can judge the situation. I thought it was for the customer's sake and the store's sake to tell them that I was dissatisfied with this, but I got angry when it didn't seem to resonate. I'll go to Benimaru even if it's a little far away.

  • てんゆ



    There were a lot of cars passing by and it was too dangerous. It's about 10 to 100 yen more expensive than other Yaohans. If you have a car, we recommend shopping at Kaijima and Awano.

  • ライキ



    Some of the products are cheap and some are ordinary. It's easy to see inside, so you can shop normally. However... there are too many unique staff members. A store clerk who sneaks in among the regular customers to pick up items on sale and put them in the cart, a store clerk whose polite expressions are becoming more and more awkward day by day, and a store clerk who asks me, "Do you collect stickers?" I said yes, but the clerk didn't give it to me, and even though I tried to give him a fraction, he continued to pay the bill. It's actually interesting to see so many people here ( ̄▽ ̄;)

  • maho yuka

    maho yuka


    I am very happy to be able to go there. Eggs are my favorite. The only thing is that Canadian meat tastes bad, or has a really bad taste, and no matter how many times I eat it, it always makes me feel sick, so I don't buy it anymore. I want it to be made in America.

  • z e

    z e


    Yesterday evening, the young girl who was at the cash register wearing Kabuki-style makeup had a bad customer service attitude. . It seemed like he had fun talking to the elderly people who seemed to be regulars. Young girls in Awano's Yaohan are also like this, but are all Yaohans like this? Wouldn't it be a good idea to teach this person how to apply makeup? Even though it is a supermarket that sells food, there is no sense of cleanliness.

najbliższy Supermarket

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