Yaohan Awano en Kanuma

JapónYaohan Awano



🕗 horarios

398 Kuno, Kanuma, Tochigi 322-0303, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 289-85-8500
sitio web: www.yaohan.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.514842, Longitude: 139.692785

comentarios 5

  • 偽名です。ゆめ



    I've been coming here for a long time, and the quality of the staff is terrible. I would like to talk to the person above you, so I would like to know your contact information. Even if you talk to the store manager, there's a good chance they'll brush you off. I have been victimized many times and have never received an apology. Is it Yaohan's philosophy not to apologize?

  • 藤田



    When I bought some sashimi, there was hair in it. I felt sick because I ate a few pieces. If I didn't turn it over, I would have eaten it without realizing it. Thinking like that makes me feel sick. That's horrible. I don't think I'll be able to buy anything here again.

  • 主水四月一日



    Sunday, October 29, 2023 When I came to buy the yakitori that was being sold outside the store, I found that it wasn't on sale (^_^;) Too bad. I had no choice but to buy the yakitori that was sold inside the store. We recommend heating yakitori in the microwave before eating. As the name suggests, the thick-sliced ​​ham cutlet was thick-sliced. We recommend eating the thick-sliced ​​ham cutlet as is, as it will give you a crunchy texture if you don't heat it in the microwave. There was a poster inside the store saying that the Kojika card would become a green pepper card. The pattern is a Kojika card, right? Saturday, April 29, 2023 The parking lot is large. There was a coin laundry on the premises. On the other side of Yaohan is Welcia. It was my first time to have separate entrance and exit. Near the entrance, a yakitori restaurant was grilling yakitori with great vigor, so the smoke and smell were quite arousing. There was a food court near the exit. The toilet is in the back. I thought there would be Lion Doll type products, but that wasn't the case, so I was happy about that. I bought katsudon and fried shrimp. Both are delicious and satisfying.

  • Bh Son

    Bh Son


    This is a local supermarket that was newly renovated and opened last year and is very clean and affordable. Unlike Korea, it is best to sell in small quantities so that you do not throw away any leftovers. Of course, kindness is basic.

  • Sasan Yousefpour

    Sasan Yousefpour


    Very good price

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