Yamashita Dental Clinic w Tagawa

JaponiaYamashita Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1656-1 Kawamiya, Tagawa, Fukuoka 826-0042, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 947-42-0444
strona internetowej: www.ha-kirakira.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.6462289, Longitude: 130.8007994

komentarze 5

  • 朝部清美



    I can't open my mouth very much, so if I open it, it's hard to breathe through my nose, so it becomes painful if it takes a long time, but the director's quick explanations and quick work are very suitable for me. I don't know which dentist is best for each person as it varies depending on the person. For me, this is the best All the staff at the reception are kind and nice. I was a little worried if the doctor was different every time, so when I went to the reception desk and said that I would like the director, I was reassured that I would be the director next time.

  • さかなかかつこ



    The treatment was finally completed on November 7th. thank you very much.

  • k kuma

    k kuma


    I regret going. Not recommended for children who have a long way to go. Unlike skin and hair, teeth do not regenerate. I was also concerned that I could smell cigarettes through the mask. Post-treatment notes A few months later, the bite was strange, so I explained the situation and asked them to cut it, but... ``The doctor who treated me has moved to another clinic, so I don't know what to do,'' he said when he was shown the clinic he was transferred to. Even when I requested fundamental treatment, the pain sometimes started in less than a year. The filling fell out in less than two years. In the end, all of the teeth that were treated here had to be re-treated at another hospital. . . The receptionist's response was also not pleasant.

  • 康弘舌間



    I had a tooth filling removed, so when I called to make an appointment, I was told that I could only make an appointment in two weeks. I won't go again.

  • わさビーフ



    They provide good treatment. The injections didn't hurt and I felt he was the best dentist I've ever been to.

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