Oya Dental Clinic w Kitakyushu

JaponiaOya Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-chōme-18-30 Kusaminishi, Kokuraminami Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 800-0233, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 93-473-1100
strona internetowej: oie-dental.jimdosite.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8063958, Longitude: 130.9539206

komentarze 5

  • チャンタラ



    All of my questions were answered in a kind and easy-to-understand manner, and I felt very at ease during the treatment. I will be visiting you from now on.

  • よっしー



    I go to the hospital for my child's treatment, and the doctor is very kind to both parents and children, and explains things thoroughly and thoroughly! After the treatment, the child is given a reward, and the child does not mind going to the hospital! There may be some waiting time, but this is a hospital where you can trust your treatment with peace of mind and choose it as your regular hospital!

  • 影千代



    I went to many different dentists, but ended up here. I thought he had the best skills, and he was able to treat my teeth in the best possible way, with a thorough and responsible approach. However, it doesn't seem like they are taking the time to provide detailed explanations, so I think it would be better for those who are looking for such a response to ask for an explanation or express their own requests like I did. Of course, if you ask, they will give you detailed answers and will respond to your requests based on your advice as much as possible. The clinic's atmosphere suits me, and I feel like I can become more frank as I've been going here for a long time. I liked the fact that it was in a secluded area, so it wasn't too crowded and I was able to come in without making an appointment. I will always be indebted to you for this.

  • mruru mi

    mruru mi


    I am writing another review because I am still not cured due to a treatment error here. The pain in my tooth has not subsided yet, and I continue to endure the pain every day. The situation is taking a long time because of our response and mistakes.I had a parent and child examined together, and both the daughter and the father treated the patient in a really bad way. I really want the doctor who treats his patients in such a horrible way, neglects them, and only cares about his patients for money to resign. Even though he admitted his crimes, there was no sincere apology at all. Even when I contacted them, they hung up on me without permission. I'm currently pregnant, and I'm talking about having my tooth pulled out, but even if I want to, it won't come out. I don't think we would have gotten into this situation if we had done the right thing at the time. I have been made to cry many times by these selfish doctors. I believe there is always cause and effect. If my child is affected by the pain and stress, I will regret it for the rest of my life.

  • たんむー



    I went there for the first time. He was kind and polite. From explanations to future policies, both nurses and teachers He spoke slowly, so I was able to receive treatment without any anxiety. I was pregnant and had my wisdom teeth removed. I had my wisdom teeth removed for the first time. I was surprised that it was over in about 3 minutes! It didn't hurt at all to remove it and it was quick! X-rays and medicines also affect your unborn baby. I felt at ease because they thought about it! I can't go to another dentist anymore 😱

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