Yamanaka Hibinoten en Nagoya

JapónYamanaka Hibinoten



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-2-3 Taihō, Atsuta Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 456-0062, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 52-681-9200
sitio web: www.super-yamanaka.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.1329736, Longitude: 136.8940725

comentarios 5

  • N I

    N I


    I understand that other people want to go to the self-checkout register so that there is a note on the cash register, but many people are lining up at the manned register, and they can just open another manned register, but I keep trying to encourage them to use the self-checkout system. Even though there are many part-time people around the cash registers, even if they make an effort to open two manned cash registers just during busy times. Even with self-checkout, I wonder if there are so many staff around the cash register to reduce staff. On March 22nd, I went shopping at 1:30 p.m. The woman at the cash register today spoke very clearly and I thought she had very good customer service. I hope to continue receiving customer service like this woman.It was a pleasant purchase✨

  • Y N

    Y N


    The cash register has become completely self-service and semi-self-checkout. It can be difficult to put a lot of items in your cart when only fully self-checkout is in operation. There are 4 employees at the service counter, so I would like them to open at least one semi-self-checkout machine. There were so many people there and they didn't even say hello. Perhaps this is why the nearby Piago has been strangely crowded lately. I'm sure the staff at the store won't understand, but it's quite tiring to have to scan your bag while you're not used to it, so I think I'll avoid using this place.

  • 克也



    I sometimes go there after going to Kojima, but I'd like you to check it out as there are some great value items. However, it is difficult to find the parking lot. It's far away and inconvenient.

  • 後藤元資



    I really put it to good use! thank you. This store is convenient as it is directly connected to Hibino Station. The staff at the store were also working well. "Keep up the good work from now on." (^^)/

  • BC Wright

    BC Wright


    Very close to the station. Small and doesn't operate as the other Yamanaka stores. Doesn't sell wholesale nor have hard to find items.

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