Heiwado Vivamall Nagoya Minami en Nagoya

JapónHeiwado Vivamall Nagoya Minami



🕗 horarios

5-chōme-21-2 Toyoda, Minami Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 457-0841, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 52-698-2800
sitio web: www.heiwado.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0997156, Longitude: 136.914587

comentarios 5

  • 卓郎鈴木



    I think this is a good supermarket with good freshness of vegetables and low prices.

  • 田中佳尚



    The super side dish corner here is pretty good. Super BGM is the best. I can't help but hum "Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" It's a good supermarket.

  • 樋口勝広



    I was in line before the morning hours today, but they strictly adhere to the opening hours. The staff were nice. At Dodoru Coffee next door, the staff was very nice and the coffee was delicious.

  • sss



    There was a difference between the displayed price and the price at the cash register, and when I pointed it out before checking out, the cash register told me that it was correct since it was displayed including tax. Even though I told them that the amount was wrong even though it included tax, they didn't listen at all, so I just paid the bill. I wasn't satisfied with it, so I told someone else that the price was wrong, and it took quite a while to redo the accounting. The first clerk may have been a new employee, but he didn't want to listen to me and even when I explained it to him, he said that since it was included in tax, the consumption tax would be advanced and it would be higher, so I didn't understand. First of all, I don't think it's possible for someone not to know whether the information displayed at the cash register is tax-inclusive or tax-exclusive, so I wish they would have listened to what the other person had to say. The store clerk who took care of the issue politely apologized, so I felt a bit sorry.

  • みるみる



    You can drink tea for free at Heiwado's eat-in space! Shimamura, Sports Depot, supermarket, home center, 100 yen store, food court, bakery, you can find everything you want to buy here. (^^)

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