Yamakataya i Kagoshima




🕗 åbningstider

3-chōme-8-5 Jōsei, Kagoshima, 890-0041, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 99-251-8716
internet side: www.yamakataya-store.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.5943998, Longitude: 130.5358895

kommentar 5

  • uraq Y

    uraq Y


    This is my favorite store

  • さくら



    Nishida store and ladder. They also have a carefully selected selection of organic and domestic products, including tea that you won't find in regular stores, delicious bacon, fresh fish, Japanese black beef tendon, and much more. It’s been a long time, I’m excited! I found things that were reasonably priced and lucky that they were cheap and good! I'm giving it 3 stars because there are some things I don't like, and I want you to do your best.

  • panda. K (lyon)

    panda. K (lyon)


    The inside of the store is kept clean. There are few customers. Greetings from an employee Welcome! Thank you very much There was no. There is also no men's restroom. There is no smoking area

  • 川美



    I have a habit of always checking the expiry date and use-by date of food before buying, but I didn't check the expiry date of sweets because I thought they had a long expiry date. The next day, I distributed the sweets I bought the day before to everyone at work, and when I finished eating, I suddenly found out that the expiration date had passed.The people around me told me that it was okay because it had expired, but I really didn't know what to do. I felt sorry and felt bad. You should also check for expired sweets.




    japanese supermarket is great

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