Frespo Jungle Park i Kagoshima

JapanFrespo Jungle Park


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1-chōme-11-1 Yojirō, Kagoshima, 890-0062, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 99-214-3551
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.5702981, Longitude: 130.5650496

kommentar 5

  • Enrique Zenteno

    Enrique Zenteno


    This place has a lot of arcade games, plus is located together with Toho cinema.

  • Joseph Williams

    Joseph Williams


    This shopping center has a lot of stores and cafes. It also has a movie theatre and a grocery store. There is parking, but it fills up fast. There are buses that run to this area, but they stop a little early in the evening.

  • mrbriandesign



    Japanese Strip Mall Stress Factory. Insufficient parking. 'Middle of the Mall Quality' in all categories. Mostly discount retail, crowded.

  • Melissa Phineus

    Melissa Phineus


    Perfect alternative to a mall. Frespo has a lot to offer including a giant Diaso and Nishimuta. Love this place! I can spend an entire day there.

  • Dennis Ho

    Dennis Ho


    Large but nothing to see or shop. A big mall with a few restaurants, a big Daiso, a cinema, a small ABC Mart, a parchinko, a few other shops and that's it. You'd wonder why, as a tourist, you should spend time and money travelling here. The name Jungle Park is very much misleading and within minutes after getting off the taxi you'd regret and hop on any taxi to go away. No photo was taken cos nothing worth keeping in the camera.

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