Yamagata University Hospital en Yamagata

JapónYamagata University Hospital



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-2-2 Iidanishi, Yamagata, 990-2331, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 23-633-1122
sitio web: www1.id.yamagata-u.ac.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2151319, Longitude: 140.3204544

comentarios 5

  • 星乃カケル



    Just the other day, I was rushed to the hospital due to intestinal obstruction. I was in so much pain that I was screaming when they brought me to the hospital, but thanks to quick treatment, I was able to leave the hospital early. thank you very much. The reason for the 4 stars is that after a tube was inserted to drain urine, it stayed that way for a while. The nurse noticed and covered me with a towel, but I was very embarrassed. Other than that, all the doctors in charge were easy to understand, kind and reassuring, and the nurses who took care of me in the ward were also easy to talk to and treated me with care. Thank you very much for your help. thank you very much.

  • 亜紀



    Being in charge of new patients in respiratory medicine is terrible. I went with my parents, but they looked at me with astonishment and made fun of me because I didn't understand the explanations from the other department's examinations last time. I don't want to see the doctor again.

  • ねこです



    My daughter received a referral from a private clinic and went there to undergo eye surgery. The surgery date was set, and I was informed that I would be hospitalized from the day before and would spend two nights and three days, including the surgery day, so I requested time off from work. Although the hospitalization procedures have been completed and the hospital room has been decided, the surgery time has not yet been decided. When I spoke to him further, he told me that he did not have any surgery scheduled for the next day. What's more, you will be hospitalized for about a week. I would have liked an explanation as soon as possible about not being able to coordinate with the nurses and not being able to visit them. If that was the case, I wouldn't have had to stay in a hotel for so long, and I'd have to pay for parking even if I stopped for a short while, and medical school students don't follow traffic rules and just cross the street when a car comes. I tried to do it and almost pulled it off. Patients and their families are also adjusting their schedules. I'm super frustrated with all the unnecessary expenses. The story is too different from the first explanation and is too sloppy. This never happened when I was hospitalized at a local hospital.

  • m T

    m T


    I go to Daiichi Internal Medicine, but the doctor in charge doesn't listen to me sympathetically. When I talked to her about my concerns, she said, ``Well, if your symptoms persist, please see your doctor again.'' No, I've been watching for 2 months. I consulted a doctor because my symptoms continued. I went to the hospital early in the morning, and after a long wait, I was finally seen. Even though I wasted half a day at the doctor's appointment, the doctor's appointment only lasted about 3 minutes. The next one will be in 2 months. Because I only go to the hospital once every two months, I consulted him about my concerns, but he only looked at the computer and the data and didn't even touch his abdomen with his hands. What is the examination bed for? That's what it feels like. I think he is a mid-level doctor, but does he have a high nose? Aren't internal medicine doctors supposed to touch the patient's body and check things out? People are not robots. How about an internal medicine doctor who looks at a person's body based only on blood sample data? ``There is no problem with the blood sampling, so I will give you the medicine as usual.Do you have your next appointment?'' she asked, as if she wanted to finish the outpatient visit as soon as possible. Although he may not have meant it as an insult, it is true that his attitude was such that the patient perceived it as such. All humans have emotions, so something may have happened in their private lives, but even if that were the case, work and private life are separate. Because we are a representative hospital in Yamagata, we would like you to provide medical examinations that are close to our patients. We appreciate your continued guidance so that patients can decide on treatment plans with peace of mind.

  • Es Kensington

    Es Kensington


    Excellent University Hospital

El hospital más cercano

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