Yamagata Saisei Hospital en Yamagata

JapónYamagata Saisei Hospital


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79番1 Okimachi, Yamagata, 990-0818, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 23-682-1111
sitio web: www.ameria.org
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.28513, Longitude: 140.334946

comentarios 5

  • スワン



    I think this is the worst hospital. Not worth giving stars. The nurses in the ward said random things to me, even though I had no knowledge of testing, and they said horrible things to me. The doctor in charge is also looking at me from above, so what do you think? I think. Isn't that how you often work? I think. Many doctors do not listen to the opinions of their patients. The nurse has made mistakes and is causing anxiety. There are a lot of mistakes anyway. I think you should think carefully before going to the hospital. It seems like some female doctors are too strong-willed to understand what they're saying.

  • のりとしかも



    I gave birth to my first child here a year ago. It was my first time giving birth, so I was very anxious, and due to the coronavirus pandemic, I was still unable to be present and I was unable to meet my family, but the midwives and nurses were very kind and supportive of me, and I am truly grateful. Even though I was selfish, she stayed with me, and even though her work was supposed to be difficult, she didn't look bad and comforted me by telling me to be healthy. Even after my child was born, she was very kind to me. Everyone was really kind. It was heart-warming to see no one saying anything terrible to me. When I was not good with intravenous drips or injections and collapsed just hearing about intravenous drips, many of them cared for me, and I thought they were really nice people. When I went to get my baby's milk at night, I saw the midwife giving it to her as if she were holding her own child, and I felt safe leaving my baby there. Even when I was feeling blue after giving birth and cried a lot in front of the counselors, the people at the counter were very kind. Before I gave birth, there were several times when I had to wait a long time for a doctor's appointment, but at that time, a nurse came and went to a large area in ward 3B, where I sat on a chair like a yogibo and saw a pregnant woman sitting there. Can you reduce waiting time by talking with others? I thought it was a great thing to spend time like that. I was eating low-salt rice for pregnancy-induced hypertension, and it was delicious even though it was hospital food and low-salt. I definitely want to eat luxurious food! People who think that way may feel unsatisfied, but after eating the hospital food here, I felt like I was living a healthy life. I didn't mind it and it was delicious But the fruit was sour My teacher was a male teacher. When I told the doctor that he was going to insert a balloon and that the information on the internet said it would be extremely painful, the doctor explained it in detail and said that it wouldn't hurt as long as I relaxed, and it really didn't hurt. It cheered me up in various situations. Congratulations on your birth! You did your best! I thought it was kind of you to say that. When I couldn't bear the contractions and begged for a caesarean section while whimpering and crying, I told my family about the risks of a caesarean section in detail and that my body would be in pain after a caesarean section and the hospital stay would be longer than a normal delivery. We're going to be late to meet up, so let's do our best even if it's only a little while longer. At the time, I was wondering what to do, but now that I think about it, I can't help but feel grateful. I would also like to order my second child here. I would recommend this to any pregnant women who are worried about where to give birth. It's cheaper than others, the people are nice, and I think you can give birth with peace of mind. Luxurious food is good! Unless you are someone who thinks

  • 304 hi

    304 hi


    I had surgery and was hospitalized for 5 days. Perhaps because the doctor is a specialist, his explanations were concise and efficient, and I feel that the surgery itself went very well. There were several nurses in charge of the ward on a rotating basis every day, but especially the one who was with me from morning until evening on the day of the surgery was very thorough and kind during the various 3K procedures. I think it helped ease my anxiety and stress before and after the surgery. Due to the 4-year-long coronavirus crisis, I personally had the surgery and hospitalization at a time when I felt the greatest amount of distrust towards the medical industry, pharmaceuticals, academic societies, and the doctors and experts who appear on TV. The doctors, nurses, and staff I interacted with treated me very sincerely, and instead of feeling distrustful, I felt nothing but respect. thank you very much.

  • Chiharu Endo

    Chiharu Endo


    When my family went to see a respiratory specialist, the elderly doctor didn't examine us properly...he just ignored us and said it wasn't a big deal. Later, I went to see a different respiratory doctor, and the test came back positive...I don't know what kind of doctor he's seeing.

  • Kaiser Kaiser

    Kaiser Kaiser


    I experienced 6 hospitalizations and surgeries from internal medicine to surgery. The food was delicious and good. When I thought I wanted to eat imoni, I got the hospital food. Thank you very much for your help during my stay in the hospital, including emergency ERCP at night and early in the morning. When a nurse who had supported me when I was in pain, with my memory hazy due to the pain, recovered and came to the outpatient clinic, she said, ``That's great! All I saw was Mr. Kaiser suffering.'' I'm glad you're feeling better!'' she said happily. I was happy. There are a lot of people who have written bad things about this, but I feel like they're worried because they and their families are sick or injured, and their anger at things that aren't going well is getting on top of them as well. This place isn't bad enough to give 1 star. I wonder if patients have too much of a customer mindset? Hospitals are not service businesses. Can we fight together? You will find out if you are hospitalized multiple times. The doctor is not resting either. The doctor came to check on me almost every day while I was in the hospital. They performed emergency ERCP. Nurses and other staff members are humbled. The fact that we don't recommend surgery means that it's better to leave things as they are than to put a strain on your body and risk the aftereffects of surgery. Each patient is different, and the way they respond varies. I think patients need to grow up too. Not the customer receiving the service. I'm grateful, so I'm giving it 5 stars.

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